Her voice was scruffy when she huffed a chuckle. "I didn't want you to be out here in the first place, Mrs. Felicity," she reminded the pregnant woman, "I wanted you to stay home and rest. You're due date is in just a few weeks, I didn't want to... Oh, how did Sara put it? 'Jinks?'"

"Jinks," Felicity confirmed.

"Yes, I didn't want to jinks anything, I don't want to jinks anything," her voice was soft and smooth just like velvet.

"I understand, you don't think I'm afraid for my children's life?" Felicity touched her stomach out of reflex. "I'm afraid every second of every-"

Felicity saw a black material come out from around the corner of the shadows and before she could even think about it, her hand swiped out, feet side stepped and twisted the gun into her own hands.

Felicity raised the gun and pointed the barrel in her attacker's direction, then, Felicity put as much distance between her and the man in front of her. Felicity knew that she would never shoot the gun, she couldn't do that, she didn't believe in harming people since she was a mother now, but that didn't mean she wouldn't look the part.

Felicity arms quivered as the face from the shadows revealed itself. However, the only familiar thing that stood out to Felicity was the familiar color of his blue eyes. They swirled with pain, guilt, danger and... Death. Everything else was unfamiliar about him. His unfamilar longer brown hair, his unfamiliar pale skin that has been hidden away from the sun; he was unfamiliar in total.

Another gun was in his hands and raised at her, Oliver had probably pulled it like a second reflex.

Felicity's heart stopped. "Do you still want me not to worry?" Felicity whispered to Nyssa as her eyes fell on his face. She didn't blink from that point forward, the fear kept her eyes open.

"I would start to worry, if I were you," Oliver's voice was stone cold as Felicity's eyes watered at the sight of him.

Oh, how she wished it weren't true... Oh, how she wished that Oliver wasn't pointing a gun at her...

... Stomach...

The unlived lives of her children flashed before her eyes.

"Oliver," Felicity tried to talk him down from doing something he would regret, "it's me... It's Felicity, honey, it's okay, put the gun down."

Oliver gave her a strange look of disbelief, "Do I know you from somewhere?"

Pain crossed her features and Felicity bit her lip to stop herself from crying. She was briefed on how Oliver would act: Like he didn't know her at all. She nodded her head when Nyssa gave her tips on how to act, but that was all useless now that she was actually standing in front of him.

"We were really good friends once," Felicity thought of the days that Oliver and Felicity had a normal toxic friend-zone relationship. Where her, Oliver and Diggle would be huddled up in Big Belly Burger and laugh and laugh and tell stories about the blasts from their pasts.

"Yes," the princess's soft voice answered Felicity's question easily in her ear.

"What? I have a gun pointed at me, why wouldn't I be worried?" Even though the gun was being held by Oliver, Oliver had changed, the look in his eye approved it.

An arrow came shooting out from nowhere, Felicity didn't take her eyes off Oliver, but the gun in his hand had an arrow laced through the trigger space and was lodged into the side of a building.

"Oh," Felicity's eyes flashed closed in relief, "that's why..."

"I told you, I'm your guardian, you have nothing to fear," she appeared from the heavens, jumped off the roof tops, dangled in silk and long material much longer than curtains. Her feet landed on the street with a soft thud, her bow loaded with a red laced arrow balanced on the string. The bow was pointed at Oliver's shoulder, aimed between the flesh above his collar bone.

Sav•ior Arrow (Oliver and Felicity -Olicity- Fanfiction) ~3rd in the Saga~Where stories live. Discover now