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Bringing her home wasnt much of a struggle, i mean he was a volleyball player after all.

He opened the door with his hand, being as quiet as possible, due to him not wanting to wake the girl up from her peaceful slumber.

He set her down on the sofa before he went to go fix the guest room, luckily he had one. Bokuto usually sleeps there when he comes over.

Akaashi came back to the girl sleeping peacefully on the sofa, picking her up bridal style then setting her on the bed.

He didnt know what it was but he had a strong urge to protect her, she may look tough on the outside but he knew how fragile she was, everyone was. Some just put on strong layers to cover that.

He gently placed the blanket over her, smiling slightly in the process, he really didnt understand what was happening, what was entrancing him so much? They just met like what- 1 hour ago?

He silently walked out of the room, closing the door behind him as he went to his own bedroom, and laying down immedietly.

He didnt bother to change, he was tired. Mentally and Physically. The thought of thinking someone was your soulmate and trusting them full heartedly seemed impossible to him now.

He trusted her wholeheartedly, yet she broke that trust with one single sentence. "I dont love you anymore".

Akaashi chuckled slightly, he knew words could hurt but he never knew it could hurt that much.

He lifted his hand up, viewing his soulmate mark on his hand, previously it was green, but now it was black.

He was too mentally tired to be thinking about this, soon enough the two fell into a peaceful slumber. Lost in their thoughts and in their dreams.

"Akaashi! Dont! Please! Its okay!" A girl pleaded, she had h/c hair that flowed beautifully in the wind, she had s/c skin that looked so smooth. Yet he couldnt see her face, it was blurred.

"Dont worry Love, im doing this for you" Akaashi smiled at the girl, cupping her cheek ever so gently.

"What relationship do you have with the princess?!" The prince asked Akaashi, making them both draw their swords.

"She's my beloved and you cant change that, now please, lets not start a fight." Akaashi states calmly, making the prince annoyed

"Im not leaving without her!" The prince yelled, charging at Akaashi.

Akaashi sat up from his bed, he felt angry, was it the dream? He looked at his alarm clock, 10:57 a.m

He looked around his room, same sheets, same walls, nothing different. Then why did the dream seem so real?

At the same time in the other room the girl felt troubled, she had an unknown dream that seemed super realistic, and second. SHE WASN'T AT HER HOUSE.

She quickly got out of the bed, her plan was to sneak out and forget this all happened, but of course. That wasnt what happened.

Just as the girl opened the door she was met with a concerned yet very pretty looking young man.

Damn might as well never leave-
You idiot what if he kidnapped you?!

Akaashi cleared his throat awkwardly, confusing the girl.

"Im really sorry- this situation is kind of awkward" Akaashi mumbled, avoiding eye contact as he rubbed his nape out if embarrassment.

"Uh- before you get the wrong idea- you got drunk and i dont know where you live so i brought you to my place to rest. And dont worry we slept on separate beds" Akaashi rambled, waving his hands in-front of his face in a flustered manner.

He's so respectful too, what the hell? this man is perfect.. can i have your childre-

Y/n shook her head to get that thought out of her mind, they just met as well.

"Im really sorry for bothering you!" Y/n bowed, not wanting to seem irresponsible and disrespectful.

"Ah.. dont worry about it" Akaashi stated calmly, but inside he was getting really flustered.

Calm down she's just bowing

"Uhh i cant really leave you without returning the favor now can i?" Y/n chuckled lightly.

"..i can treat you to coffee if you want" she said, looking him in the eye, the girl was never into social interaction but this man surprisingly made her more confident of herself.

"You really dont have to-"

"I insist, its the least i can do for you ya know?" She rolls her eyes, gently punching his shoulder

Oh shit why did i do that

While y/n was having a mental battle with herself. Akaashi was getting more flustered.

Should i really be letting her buy me coffee
Is that okay? Is that rude? What if i embarrass myself?!!?

The two 22 year olds finally brought themselves together after 2 minutes of a long awkward silence.

"O-oh uh sure" Akaashi mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"Want to go right now?" Y/n asks, pointing her thumb to the door.

"Oh- you don't have clothes tho-"

"Eh i don't really care but can i use your shower?"
Y/n asks her mind racing once again.

Well shit y/n thats what you get for trying to act cool Oh i dont really care' BITCH HES GONNA THINK YOU DON'T CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES.

While Akaashi's thoughts were racing as well

shit she's gonna use my shower. Is it clean? DID I PUT THE TOILET SEAT DOWN

"O-oh you dont have to let me use the shower if you dont want" y/n laughed awkwardly, swinging her hands back and forth ever so gently.

"Oh no- its alright, i'll bring you a towel. You can get in now if you want" Akaashi says, moving out of the way and leading her to the bathroom.

"Okay, thank you so much" y/n bowed once again before stepping into the bathroom.

The bathroom wasn't actually that bad for an apartment, and it smelt like lavender.

Damn alright this is better than my bathroom. my bathroom smells like old rats and cleaning products.

Y/n thought as she sweatdropped, taking off her clothes and stepping into the warm/cold shower.

It felt great taking a shower after drinking, it eased the migraines just a little bit.

But her peaceful thoughts were interrupted when she heard knocking on the door.

And she wasnt really finished either- she still had shampoo in her hair.

Y/n sighed quietly, opening the door to be met with a gush of wind,

Shivering, she opened the door slightly and grabbing the towel quickly, surprising Akaashi.

She quickly hung it up and rushed back into the shower.

Maybe she felt pressured? Oh God is she uncomfortable here? Am i overstepping boundaries?

Akaashi thought as he nervously fiddled with his hands before realizing that he had to get changed too.

The two got dressed and got ready to leave for the day.

Past and Present (Akaashi x reader soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now