The Potato Challenge

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So, I was challenged to do this by lovely Lady_Artemis_ so I'm gonna do this. Basically you just change one word in a quote to 'potato'. I love this sort of thing so I'm gonna do a bunch. Hmm how about 10? You people I'm tagging don't have to though xD. I tag Chilea , Annabeth-Chase- , Hazel_Levesque_ , Arctic_star , Hannah_40 If-Im-Louder2010 and iELUDO! Have fun!

Here's mine:

1: And don't call me potato! -Me

2: In a world of locked  doors the man with the key is king, and honey, you should see me in a potato! -Moriarty. (BBC's Sherlock)

3: We swears! On- on the potato! -Gollum

4: A potato? Our fate rests on a potato!? -Grumpy (Once Upon a Time)

5: All magic, comes with a potato! -Rumpelstiltskin (Also Once Upon a Time)

6: Percy: Like the Zodiac sign? I'm a potato.

Leo: No, stupid, I'm a potato! You're a Percy! -BoO

7: Don't I get a potato for luck? It's kind of tradition right? -Percy

8: Every fairy tale needs a good, old fashioned potato. -Moriarty (Still Sherlock)

9: You are by far, the worst potato I've every heard of! -Commador (Pirates of.the Carribean.

10: Let us find the dam Potato! -Zoë.

That's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed, have fun to all who I tagged and whoever wants to comment more!

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