Chapter Ten

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Above is a new song that I like. I thought it would kind of go with Levi and Reader-chans relationship along with the story in general.

Send me songs that I should listen to and if you have fan art for the story,direct message me and I will give you my email!

Happy reading
"Levi is marrying Petra and he hasn't told her that your his ex!"Hanji screamed while she pulled you to the car with the wheelchair.

You nodded softly,remembering the painful memory.

"And he got you pregnant, Oh my gosh I'm going to be an aunt!"Hanji squealed as she pressed the down button on the elevator.

"Yeah."You whispered softly, keeping your mouth closed about the abortion.

"We need to take you to the doctors. I have a good friend name Dr.Simons that is great at working with pregnant women. I work with her sometimes to gain more knowledge so I can be better at my job." Hanji rambled on about the woman while the elevator doors opened and shut behind you.

Hanji quickly pressed the lobby floor button and continued to ramble on.

"Ohh I can't wait to see the little one. I bet it's going to be so cute!"She exclaimed as the elevator reached the bottom floor.

Hanji wheeled you to the parking deck and towards her car, the nurse followed in suit so she could help you into the car and to collect the wheelchair.

The nurse helped you in the car while Hanji folded the wheelchair back up. She handed the wheelchair to the nurse and closed the door behind you.

You waved to the nurse while Hanji got into the car.

"Good luck with your baby!"The nurse yelled as Hanji drove off.

You sighed loudly and looked out the window as you passed and looked at the scenery.

"So, does Levi know about the baby yet?"Hanji asked you,filling in the awkwardness and the silence.

You but your lip before turning your head towards her.

"No, I wasn't really planning on telling him anyways. After all, he is busy planning a wedding and nervous about having Petra's baby." You droned on while leaning back against the car seat.

"You have to tell Levi,end of discussion (F/n)."Hanji simply told you without hesitation.

You shook your head at her statement, it was your decision and plus Levi already is having a child on the way plus he is happy with Petra.

"It doesn't matter anyway, this problem won't be here for long."You whispered to yourself,but Hanji being her noisy self, heard you.

"What did you say?"She asked while focusing on the road. You bit your lip with nervousness but you decided to tell the truth.

"I'm not keeping it Hanji."

She swerved the car to the side of the road and stopped the car. She took her seatbelt off and swiveled in her seat to look at you.

"YOU'RE WHAT?!"She screamed as she glared at you with her mad scientist eyes.

You rolled your eyes and looked back at her,giving her an unamused look. She was making a big deal out of it when it's not that big.

"I'm getting an abortion,plain and simple."You said,looking at her shocked and sad face.

"But why?! You are the proud mother of a Levi baby!"She yelled as she waved her arms franticly,adding emphasis to her statement.

You sighed and turned back to the window while propping up your head with your hand.

"Just drive Hanji."You muttered to her,staring out the window and looking at the blue sky.

"Man, these hormones are rough on you. I guess that baby does have Levi's attitude."Hanji joked around but you weren't easily amused.

You shot her a cold glare before turning around in your seat.

"You craving anything?"She asked you,leaning forward in her seat and over the stick shift.

"Now that I think about it, can we get some ice cream?"You gave her puppy dog eyes.

Her eyes gleamed and she nodded rapidly, replying with a yes.

"Onward, to the ice cream shop!"

Hanji obeyed as she buckled her seatbelt and moved the car from the side of the road and drove to the nearest ice cream shop.

"Thanks for the ice cream and the ride Hanji." You thanked her as she drove into your driveway.

"No problem."She replied,helping you to the door.

You opened the house door and walked in. You rushed over to the phone book and quickly flipped through the page towards the section you were looking for.

Family planning


Appointment only!

Free clinic for abortions.

You grabbed the house phone and began to type in the number. Hanj walked up right beside you and looked at the page.

"Are you sure about this (F/n)."She asked you as she watched you dial the numbers in.

"I'm positive."

You pressed the call button and put the phone up to your ear.

You talked on the phone with the associate and confirmed an appointment for tomorrow.

"I'm going home. I got to get to my hubby. I'll see you tomorrow."Hanji gave you a weak smile before shutting the house door behind her.

You knew that she was upset but she was going to have to deal with it. You walked to your room and sat down on the bed and lied down.

"My god Levi Ackerman, you know how to push my buttons,make me want to punch you in the face, and want to kiss the hell out of you all the time. That's why I love you."

"...Even if you don't love me back."

You closed your eyes for a second,but fatigue took over you and soon you fell into a peaceful sleep.


I quitted Winterguard you guys so I have more time to update chapter and edit in stuff.

Thank you all who are constantly Voting and commenting, I really appreciate it.

If there is any confusion about the story that you are not getting, you can DM me or comment below.

Guys I know that this story isn't going the way you guys imagined it and I know you want Levi,but this story needs to be realistic.

Who knows, Levi and Reader-Chan might not even get back together.

I have this whole story planned out you guys, and let me tell you.

Honey,you got a big storm coming.

How's the story so far?

And suggestions or opinions about the story that I might can incorporate in the story line?

How are you today or over the period from where I haven't updated?


(Don't spoil it for the people okay.)

Remember to Vote,comment and follow!


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