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     Hinata felt dull. He felt waves and waves of emotions. Anger, sadness, guilt, fear. As he stared up at the white ceiling, he couldn't help but think.

He thought of different scenarios, a lot of bad ones, and felt even more dull. He heard knocking, yet he did not answer. He heard the door open, but he did not move.


His eyes stayed glued to the ceiling above him. Hinata was currently lost. Lost on what he was going to do, and how he was going to do it. Finally, he shifted his eyes towards the person, unamused and seemingly lifeless. Just like how his body was not that long ago.

There, stood a doctor, around 31 give or take, in a white suit, clipboard in hand, and looking at the boy with sad eyes and a frown. "I came back to talk to you about your..conditions."

His voice was deep, eyes like a nice pool of water, body fit but not overdone, and hair a thick blonde, curled upwards near the end. His jawline was also strong and sharp.

Liam, the doctors name(as Hinata had looked at the name tags situated on his suit), walked towards the bed, stopping at the end. "So, of course, we did the x-rays which you already know the situation of such, but I wanted to explain the long term affects."

They made eye contact, and Liam finally smiled..though it was sad. I mean, of course it was. With what happened, anyone would be sad. Or I would think.

The spiker sighed, but answered, "Go on."

Liam began..

The team looked at their coach in utter shock. "You can't be serious!" Daichi yelped, terrified of what's to come. "Sadly, I am not, and I am completely serious." Ukai answered, a frown carved onto his face.

Nishinoya jumped up, grabbing hold of Coach Ukai's shoulders. "We should visit him, right? I mean it's logical and-and we can bring flowers and chocolates! We could do lots of things like-"

"No." The older man interrupted, looking down at the receiver. "We will not be visiting him, he most likely has enough stress on his hands."

Nishinoya hung his head sadly before walking back towards his spot, sitting down and laying his head on his left hand while his right played with his shoe strings. The coach of the volleyball team sighed, running his hands down his face in a distressed way.

"Listen, I understand that your all very worried for you teammate and truth be told so am I. But, I just don't want to put more stress and sadness on Hinata's hand. I think we should let him recover first."

Everyone nodded, agreeing with the man. "Alright, let's practice!" And so, they did just that. Of course, they were all a bit off due to, well, everything, but they still tried. Once they finished, they got dressed before beginning to head home.

Yet, a certain silver haired boy couldn't stop himself from heading towards the hospital. He didn't know why he was doing it, with the coach telling them not to go and himself not sure if it was a good idea, he had no clue as to why he was going.

It was like his legs had a mind of their own, and frankly, he was sure they did. After a bit of a walk, he had arrived at his destination, the tall building sitting in front of him. Once done with taking a deep breath, he walked into the building at a slow pace.

And he was met with white. Lots, and lots of white. It was almost sickening, but that's what all hospitals were like. Sickening. He went to the front desk, smiling kindly at the lady who sat there, masking the fact that he was nervous and scared.

"Hello, I came here to see Hinata Shoyo."

The lady smiled even brighter(Suga could tell it was fake)and pulled out a name tag(the sticky kind) with a sharpie. "Name?" She asked, voice high pitched and squeaky. "Sugawara Koushi, ma'am."

She passed over the name tag, Suga taking it and slapping(uh hah hah) it on his chest. Then..

He realized he didn't know which room it was. "Oh, uhm, I'm sorry but what room is it?" He asked with a bash full smile, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh, right! It's room..353(if you get this reference I will literally love you)."

Now, Suga could actually continue his(what seemed like long) journey to Hinata awaiting room...

  ( I feel like this sucks. I don't really like my writing 0-0
have a good day :D )

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