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RECAP: Last week, NewNew spent the night comforting her boyfriend after finding out Tina was in the hospital. Albeit her father made her choose between their family and LaMelo. She didn't really make a final decision, but in her parents eyes, she's no longer welcomed back home. Eli, Don, and Tomi on the other hand, have bad intuition about New. They think she's cheating on Melo. Let's just say they're not the only ones....


Love Galore: The range of emotions New goes through when she realizes that she's done everything in the relationship wrong. She'll be exposed with some truths about herself. Although, LaMelo has a sharp tongue that's hard to come back from when he's angry.

'Actin like we...wasn't more than, a summa fling' - SZA

POV: NewNew

Location: Garnett Property📍

Saturday: August 1

"You're going to do it today?"

"Yes. I promise."

"That's what you said last time."

"I'm being serious Jackie. I love him, and it's the perfect time. Today he get's back from Minnesota and we're going to Cascades."

"All of you guys?"

"Yea." I mumbled.

"Veda and Star?"


Jackie was sitting on my bed while I looked through my closet for an outfit. My fingers quickly moved through the hangers scraping on the metal bar holding them up. Last week Jackie pleaded for me to come home. I understand that she works here, but it proves she has so much love for me in her heart. My mom? Not one call, not one text. My father? We haven't talked since that night. It doesn't really bother me though, he gets back tonight after being on a trip with the Lakers. Apparently the franchise is looking to draft Lonzo....it's a secret though, so I'm not going to tell anyone.

"Have you asked your parents about leaving?"

"No. It's not like they care anyway. Jackie we've been over this, you and I, both know they don't love me."

She was quiet because there was nothing to debate. I grabbed two hangers and walked out of my closet.

"What about this outfit?"

"Ooo, I like it."

I was holding black sweat pants and a matching crop top.

"Wear colorful shoes for a pop."

I nodded and started to get undressed. Jackie's focus was on my bare walls. "Why don't you decorate?"

"Mom doesn't let me."

"Mom isn't the one who's trapped in here all the time is she?"

"Nope." I was smiling. "But half the time she's being a bitch, and I don't feel like hearing her mouth if I did hang something up."

I had finished putting the cotton material onto my body, and I grabbed my lavender slip on vans.

"So....how are you gonna tell him again?"

"Well." My foot pushed down and I wiggled on the first shoe. "I'm going to do it at Cascades, and I'll get him alone so not everyone is watching....then I'll just tell him."

"And if he has a bad reaction?"

"Then I'm gonna let him blow off some steam for a couple of days until I talk to him again."

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