Chapter 12 | The Gala: Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." I duck my head, feeling silly that I can't stop my pleased grin. I wish I could be one of those cool and collected girls that never give away what they're thinking and keep men on their toes. Me? One look at my face and you could tell what I had for breakfast.

"I can't believe I've never heard of your business before." He shakes his head as if reprimanding himself. "How'd Rey get a hold of you?"

It's a question I've been getting asked all night. I know nobody means it that way but I can't help but think of it as how does the successful Holden Rey know anything about your so not successful little bitty business? It reminds me of decades ago when nobody could comprehend how popular and gorgeous Holden was ever friends with awkward and chubby Sierra. Nothing has changed since. It's so not fair to constantly bring it up but I can't help how my mind keeps going to that place.

Maybe that's why I've been avoiding Holden and can't bring myself to just talk to him. Maybe that's why I let this gorgeous athlete pull me away when I could have just told him no. I'm looking for every excuse in the book to not have to face my ex best friend and his eerie words.

We need to talk.

Yeah. Because that wouldn't want to make me run away or anything. What was he thinking? He should have said Channing Tatum is behind the building. I would have leapt on him like a monkey and went without a second thought. So really, this is his fault. Also, CHANNING.

"So..." My date prods.

"Right." I store away the images of Channing humping a stage shirtless. Those are definitely going to be for tonight's spank bank. "We're neighbours. It was just the luck of opportunity."

"Okay." He nods but there's humour in his voice, like he doesn't quite believe me.


He shrugs. "Nothing."

He's not getting off that easy. "You stole half my cake. You better fess up while you know what's good for you, punk."

He bursts out laughing, pulling me closer when a slow song comes on. "Fair enough. Let's just say men know men, and I don't know Rey nearly as well as his clients do but one look on his face tonight has told me enough about you."

"It has?" I make a face. Oh, God. If his opinion of me has anything to do with Holden it's got to be bad. What does Holden's face say about me? Pain in the ass? Loser chick who can't seem to stop disrupting his life? I wouldn't be surprised. "What is it?"

He smiles kindly. "That you're the kind of woman a man regrets letting go of."

It definitely takes a solid minute to process his words. All I do is gape while he casually sways, watching closely for my reaction with barely contained humour at my obvious shock.

And then I burst out laughing in his face.

I'm laughing so hard, I have to physically lean on him for support. Tears have gathered in my eyes and if I wasn't having the best laugh of my life, I'd be concerned about my makeup. But seriously? That's what he got from observing Holden? That I'm not someone you let go of? Puh-lease. Holden never let go of me—he never had me. For a moment we were friends and then we weren't and there's been no regret since. Just time and distance and now we can't stand each other. Besides, what would Holden care? He never saw me as anything but his clingy neighbour that he had to avoid to literally get me to leave him alone. That's our story.

"You smoke crack," I inform my dance partner. "I think I could use some. It's been an exceptionally long day."

"Naive little Sierra." He boops my nose and I scrunch it. "You got to give yourself more credit than that."

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