𝟘𝟡: ✯𝕁𝕚𝕞'𝕤 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟✯

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) was quick to punch him in the stomach cutting him off as he groaned in pain and gripped his stomach.

"Be happy you didn't finish that sentence" She said, turning to me she continued with a smile "I can do it, without shit for brains over here." She threw her thumb over her shoulder, pointing towards a hunched over Flynn.

He raised his hand to say something, and tried to stand up straight, only for him to wince and go back to gripping his stomach. "Okay, but there are about 7 to 8 pirates on that ship, I don't want you to get hurt" she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'll be fine"

"I'll go with her."

Silver volunteered I sent him a smile in response, and a nod of my head.

Silver and (Y/n) climbed onto the ship, our boat now being next to it. Once making sure no one noticed, they let out a sigh of relive. They walked towards the front until someone noticed them"Hey! You there! Where do you think your going?" They both turned around as (Y/n) was quick to come up with an answer

"Your kidding me right? Did you not get the orders from the Captain? Seriously how bloody stupid can you bilge rats be?!"

The other pirates were soon to walk over as she continued gesturing to her and silver"Do we seriously have to do everything?" The seemed to cower at the sight of her anger

"Great. Alright, now while they're distracting them we sneak aboard the ship."

I climbed on the ship along with Kate and Flynn. I stared at (Y/n) a bit as I watched the pirates in front of her cower at her feet, I smiled as I thought 'Man, I'd love to here her talk to me that way when we're-'


My thoughts were cut off when Kate whisper yelled at me causing me to shake my head a bit"Yeah?" She shook her head and grabbed my hand while saying"Come on" Flynn close behind as we walked over to the steps that go below deck.

"There should be a set of stairs leading to the lower deck, we'll go down those to get out of sight, he might have some pirates up top but that can't be his whole crew so be careful and cautious when we go down there."

Once we made it down I was quick to look around the corners to check if the coast is clear, thankfully it was. Letting out a sigh I turned towards the both of them"What now?" Kate asked as I stared at the two of them"In all honesty. I don't know." Flynn let out a laugh as Kate asked angrily "What do you mean, 'I don't know'?"

I shrugged while throwing my hands in my pockets "I haven't thought this far, because I didn't think we would actually make it this far." Flynn smirked a bit as he looked a bit passed me"Well, boy genius, better start thinking." he nodded his head in my direction.

I looked behind me only to see the shadows of a couple of pirates at the end of the hall. I turned back towards them"Come on" I said while running off ahead, the two of them following close behind.

"We need to find the captain and Ben"

The three of us ran through the halls, we managed to avoid pirates here and there, after awhile we finally found them the jail cells in the brig. "Jimmy! Thank goodness your here!" B.E.N yelled a bit causing us all to shush him, he chuckled a bit nervously "Sorry" he whispered.

Captain Amelia was quick to say "The key is on a hook across the room. They aren't to bright." I was quick to grab the key off the hook as Amelia asked"And who is this?" I came back over and started to unlock the cell door.

"Oh that's-"

"Flynn Henderson" he held a sly smirk on his face as stuck his hand out to shake the captain's hand"Pleasure." She responded, boredly already annoyed with him, not even bothering to shake his hand before turning back towards me and Kate.

Flynn's smirk was quick to turn into a frown as I had to hold back a laugh. He dropped his hand back to his side as I finally opened the door as B.E.N jumped out wrapping his metallic arms around me for a hug. "Oh jimmy! Am I glad to see you!" I chuckled a bit before pulling him off me"Alright, alright. But we have to get out before-" the noise of angry pirates could be heard from above us.

"I think they already know."

Flynn added as Captain Amelia stepped out of the cell. I ran a hand through my hair while looking around the room. 'There has got to be something here we could use as a weapon.' I suddenly caught sight of a sword on the ground.

I was quick to run over and pick it up"Quick, find anything to use as a weapon." Kate and the Captain started to look around, Flynn just rolled his eyes"Oh yeah, great idea, close combat against a bunch of blasters." I glared at him and went to retort only for Captain Amelia to beat me to it.

"No. Mr.Hawkins is right. They don't use blasters, they use swords. So even if we all had a blaster it's better to get a close range weapon."

Flynn rolled his eyes but none the less started to look around, pulling out my blaster I shot at the bars on the cell, causing some of them to fall off. Kate, B.E.N and Captain Amelia all grabbed one, while Flynn found a broken pipe laying on the ground.

Once we all had weapon I mumbled"Here goes nothing" before we all ran off down the hall I was quick to yell out"We have to get back to the boat, but in order to get to it we are gonna have to fight." B.E.N suddenly said"Jim, I don't think you realize this but there are at least 5 times more pirates than there is us!" I shook my head a bit.

"Maybe so. But we still have to try"

'I have to make sure (Y/n) and Silver are alright.'

"Jim, why not just take a long boat?" Kate grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn around causing us all to stop. "They are faster and we can avoid fighting them. Those pirates outnumber us Jim, we won't stand a chance." She gave me a pleading look, as if begging me to just leave.

I ripped my arm out of her grasp before saying"You guys can go to the boats. I can't just leave Silver and (Y/n) here." I turned around and went to walked away when Kate spoke up again.

"And what if they are already off the ship?"

I stood there, back facing them, I clenched the sword in my hand as I made a fist with the other. "It's better to be safe, than realize that they never got off later on..." with that I ran off.

'(Y/n), you better be okay. I can't loose either of you.'

When I made it to the corner just before the steps I had my back flat against the wall. Pirates were just around the corner blocking the steps, I was surprised I didn't run into any on my way here. My breathing was heavy and ragged, swallowing the lump in my throat I was about to turn around when a hand lightly landed in my shoulder.

I quickly turned my head only to see Captain Amelia, her hand was on my shoulder as B.E.N, Flynn, and Kate all stood behind her.

"Just tell us what we gotta do."

Constellations : Taking Back The Ship | Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now