𝟘𝟜: ✯ℝ𝕖𝕦𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕✯

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Hey guys, so I only have one update for this weekend, I'm sorry :(. I've just been really behind on my school work, plus I've had major writers block. Again, I'm really sorry!

"Flynn, go back with the crew"

Flynn's eyes went wide, he shook his head a bit as he stepped forward"But Captain-" Silver slammed his fist on the desk as he cut Flynn off"Now!" Flynn held a shocked expression on his face, only for it to quickly change to a glare.


He huffed in anger as he turned around and walked out, slamming the door shut behind him. It was quiet for a couple of seconds till Silver stood up and made his way towards Jim and I. He stopped in front of Jim as a smile made its way to his lips"Jimbo, is that really you?" Jim sent him a smile shrugging his shoulders.

"It's me Silver."

Silver was quick to engulf Jim in a hug while laughing, Jim was quick to hug back. Suddenly a pink blob flew out of Jim's pocket as Silver broke the hug"Ha ha! Morphy! You been keeping a good eye on the lad?" Morph made a bunch of happy noises before rubbing up against Silvers cheek.

Jim turned to me, his eyes meeting mine as we just stood there staring and smiling at each other. Jim suddenly put a hand on my cheek as he said"god, I've missed you so much.." I felt tears form in my eyes, as all of the pain from the nights I missed Jim came back to me.

I let out a sad laugh as I engulfed Jim in a hug, he let out a quiet grunt in surprise, as I held him tightly not wanting to let him go. I haven't shown much emotion since I stepped foot on this ship, I limited myself as to not show a sign of weakness in front of the crew.

I suddenly started crying, digging my face into Jim's chest, his embrace giving me a sense of safety as all of my bottled up emotions came flowing out like a dam bursting.

"Jim, I swear I'll never leave you again."

My voice cracked at the end as I looked up at him, as tears started to fall from his gentle blue eyes, a smile on his face. One of his hands came back to wrest on my cheek, using the pad of his thumb to wipe some of my tears away.

"(Y/n), even if you tried, I don't think I'd let you."

I let out a light laugh as he leaned down, wresting his forehead against mine. I brought my hand up so that it wrested on his hand on my cheek. The girl from beside us cleared her throat, grabbing our attention, as Jim removes his hand from my cheek, only to hold the hand that was on top of his tightly.

His other arm was wrapped around my waist holding me close, as the two of us looked over at the girl"Ah, right. Um, (Y/n), Silver, this is Kate, she's a friend from the academy" I nodded my head at her as Silver tipped his hat"Kate, that's Silver" Jim said as he briefly let go of my hand to gesture to Silver.

Kate said a quick hello to Silver as Jim turned to me and finished with"And this is (Y/n), my girlfriend" I watched her eyes go wide a bit as she asked"Your...girlfriend..." I nodded my head as I sent her a slight glare.

"Yeah. Is there a problem?"

She was quick to shake her head in response to my question"No, no problem at all." I held my glare as I stared her down, as if trying to intimidate her, which seemed to be working"Good" Jim chuckled awkwardly, he cleared his throat as he turned towards Silver and Morph"So, Silver..." he nodded his head in response.

Jim let go of my waist, keeping a tight grip on my hand as he continued"You see, the reason me and Kate came here, was because of Ironbeard." Silver noticeably went tense as a small gasp could be heard from him "Do you know him?" Jim asked cautiously.

" Ironbeard is the fiercest, most ruthless pirate out there! No mater what ya do, stay away from him, ya hear me?" Jim shook his head"But Silver, that's the reason we are here. He took over the fastest ship in the galaxy, the Navy aren't going to be able to catch up to him. There are innocent people on that ship-"

"That's not me problem Jim! If ya go after him, you'll both be dead before ya know it!" Silver yelled at Jim, but he stood his ground"Silver, that's why we came to ask you and (Y/n) for help. We need your help to take the ship back from him."

Silver shook his head"You have no clue what your getting into boy. That thing is a shell of a man, he is more of a robot than he is a person." Jim gave Silver a pleading look as he said"I know that it's going to be dangerous, but Silver, we need pirates in order to beat pirates."

Silver stared down at Jim before rubbing his face, looking over at me and Jim's interlocked hands. His gaze shifted to Morph as his hand now rubbed the back of his neck.

"oh... blast me down ta Davy Jones!"

Silvers gaze shifted back to Jim as he continued"The things I do for ya kids. I swear ya both are goin' ta be the death of me!" Jim smiled up at Silver and was about to say something when a beeping noise cut him off.

"What's that noise?"

I asked as Kate took something out of her pocket. "I forgot about this." Jim was quick to ask"What is it?" She stared down at the object in her hands as the red light flashed and the beeping continued.

"It's a communicator, Amelia gave it to me back on the ship. But what-"

She got cut off when a holographic projection of B.E.N came from the communicator. "Quick! I don't have much time!" I went to say something but B.E.N was quick to continue.

"Jim, and Kate, once you get to the Navy be sure to give them the coordinates I'm sending you. That's where Ironbeard is heading, we are doing our best to hold down the fort, but I don't think it will last much longer"

There were muffled voices in the background as B.E.N was quick to say"Someones coming. Be sure to-" he was cut off as the recording just stopped, ending there.

Once the recording ended a set of coordinates could be seen on the communicator. Silver was quick to pull out a map of the galaxy, laying it flat on his desk.

"Quick, read me those coordinates."

Kate was quick to read them off as Silver found it on the map. I let go of Jim's hand for a second as I looked at the map with Silver, the holographic pictures moved around on the map as the coordinates led us to a giant asteroid.

Jim leaned over my shoulder to look at the map as Kate joined us. Morph floated over Silver's shoulder as he looked down at the map"It's just an asteroid." Jim said as I shook my head.

"Jim, that's no asteroid. That's Botany Bay Prison Asteroid."

Kate and Jim's eyes widened as Silver narrowed his eyes at the holographic asteroid prison. "Question is.." Silver asked "What does Ironbeard want from prison?"

Constellations : Taking Back The Ship | Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now