“ papii I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I joked that way I didn't know you already felt the same way back then ” back then?
Off look at him obviously confused and Gun just looking at him face is red but he didn't dare to look away at him “ what do you mean back the? You mean- ” Gun nodded at him with a small smile on his face

“ I already liked you. I just didn't know how to say it to you, because you know you have a girlfriend and you just broke up with her ”

“ so the kisses? And the hugs? ”  Gun nod at him again, he can't believe it Gun actually liked him too! And yes Mild is right when she said that he's so fucking naive cuz he is!

“ another question uhm- what Mild and you did when you leave that day ” Gun is not looking at him he's probably shy asking him that and Off is not dumb enough to now know what the boy wants to hear

“ nothing ” he just simply said but Gun quickly glare at him “ what do you mean none? When all of the people in the internet tell that you and Mild we're having a date that day! ”

Off was amused on his reaction “ where not ” he smile at him but Gun just glare at him more

“ we just talked about you ”

“ me? ”

“ yeah, Well she thought that you and I are already dating because we broke up because of you ” he saw how his eyes grew wider in shock I mean who wouldn't?

“ you're the reason why we broke up because you made me feel like I need to protect you, like I need to take care of you all the time, look after you and I didn't notice that I'm already falling for you you made me feel jealous whenever you're too close to everyone I even want to kill Tay when you're so close to him ” Off can't believe how childish he is before he didn't notice it because he thought it was just normal to be jealous but voicing it out? He's really childish

“ I want you to do that to me, only me. Not anyone else, not even Tay. Gun I know I'm still courting you but please? Can you limit your skinship to others? I only want you mine. I'm selfish and you know that so please if you don't want me to pull up a fight to those people stop doing it or just limit it okay? ”

“ you're saying those things to me when in fact you're the one who's having a more close relationship with Mild. Everyone thinks that you and her are already back to each other! And I saw how she protects you in front of that MC and you also said that you'll date her again if you're given a chance. So tell me who's the one should limit his self to others? ”

Off didn't know that Gun feels insecure whenever he's with the girl. Mild is just a friend to him but maybe people gives a wrong hint about them.

“ Gun, Mild and I are just friends she even cursed me when I say that you didn't like me. She said that you're jealous to her- ”

“ I am! ”

“ and I'm stupid to not listen to her. I insist that you're not, that maybe you're just not used to me talking to others and I constantly reminding her or to myself that you already have girlfriend because I'm afraid to give hope to myself cuz whenever you made me feel happy you're girlfriend that I thought you have ruined everything. On the day of your birthday? I really thought that she's your girlfriend because the way you look at her? You never look at me like that, that's why I thought that she's your girlfriend ”

“ you know what you're really stupid! Again Ploy is not my girlfriend and please I can't even think of her as one. We are talking about you that day on how you surprise me and everything... So maybe that's why I look... like that ” He can't believe what he just heard, so that explains why he looked so in love and the blush? Off is really stupid, idiot and dumb. Gun is looking more red than ever and he just realizes that his boy is blushing, and he just thought of it now, but then he remembered something

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