January 7, 2015 (part 2)

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Okay okay.. I wasn't going to write anything else today but I had too. The last update was small and I thought I should just do like a part 2 thing.. Or something.

My phone has been acting so weird lately. I don't know what's wrong with it... At least it's not in the ocean...


Story time.

So last summer,in June, I got a new phone. It was a pink iPhone 5c and I was so happy I got it because I broke my other phone.

(It was a galaxy S3)


So anyway, I loved my phone and had so many pictures on it.

Then the 4th of July came...

I was at the beach with some friends and was taking pictures of the fireworks that some people were doing.

Sounds fine right?


I was wearing my bathing suit and a little blue jacket with tiny pockets. So I decided that it would be a GREAT idea to go out into the ocean (knee deep) and take pictures of the fireworks over there.


Smart Olivia.. Real smart.

So then while taking pictures in the ocean, a wave unexpectedly crashes into me and shoves my phone and I straight underwater.

I let go of my phone because the impact scared me and my first reaction was to flair my hand up in the water.


During this time, I was completely oblivious that my phone had been washed away by the ocean. So I got up out of the water and squeezed my soaked jacket.

Then it hit me.

"Where is my phone?!"


"Where is it!!"

"Ahhhh! Oh my god my dad is going to kill me!"

I was looking all around the shore to see if it had washed up but I had no luck.

It was gone.


And so was my life when my dad found out!

So I borrowed my friends phone and called my dad.

Guess what he did?


He freaking laughed!



So long story short, I didn't have a phone till The beginning of August and I wasn't grounded.

Imagine that.


Okay I'm leaving now.

Bye my lovely Cubs :*

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