Chapter 2

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"Peeta,stop pacing," Johanna complains. I ignore her and continue.

"What are you so worried about?" Annie ventures. Johanna stares at her.

"Um, Annie, in case you haven't noticed,we're imprisoned in-," she starts but I cut her off.

"I'm worried about Katniss!" I burst out. Johanna now stares at me.

"Are you serious?" she demands. I nod. Johanna chokes, then laughs bitterly.

"You have lost your mind," she declares. "Now stop pacing and let me sleep, or I'll personally rip off your metal leg."

"Splendid idea," a new voice says. I freeze. I know that voice. Cold and cruel, like a snake. President Snow has come to visit his prisoners. Deep down I am not surprised. I knew he would come here sooner or later. I watch as he approaches my cell, his hands behind his back.

"Sir President, I am honored," I say mockingly. Snow sneers at me menacingly.

"Come now, Peeta," he pouts. "I thought you were polite."

"Why should I be polite to you?" I challenge him.

"Because if it wasn't for me,Katniss would already be dead," he replies. "And I will kill her, unless you convince Panem who the real enemy is."

"Don't listen to him, Peeta," Johanna warns me. "His words are poisonous. Literally."

"You can't harm Katniss," I say, my voice perfectly even.

"Do you wish to find out?" Snow spits, his frustration growing. I blink. I can't let him harm Katniss. I hope she will forgive me, and understand.

"Alright then, I you," I say reluctantly. Snow smiles his poisonous smile.

"Ah, Peeta," he sighs. "I knew that you are a smart boy. I shall arrange an interview with Ceasar Flickerman tomorrow. Convince Panem that District 13 is the enemy, and Katniss can live...a little longer."

And with that he leaves us in silence.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I'm so sorry."

"He would've won either way," Johanna sighs. "If you said no, he probably would have tortured you in public to break Katniss."

I try to process this. Is Snow's plan to break Katniss? Then he cannot win. Hopefully, I have enough willpower to resist a snake. Hopefully. Oh, and there is also a big string of 'what if's'. What if Snow simply kills me? What if he will use me as a trap? What if Katniss falls for my act of being "Capitol-friendly"?

"Panem to Peeta? Are you dead yet?" Johanna calls,snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry," I say."I was just, um, thinking."

Johanna opens her mouth to say something when the lights are dimmed.

"Okay you pigs ,sleepy time," a guard calls. Johanna mutters something not too nice under her breath and lies down on her blanket. I lay down on mine, but I can't sleep. I wonder where Katniss is now,and if she is thinking about me. Then I hear her soft voice, singing a song I don't recall, and I slowly drift off...

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