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(Your name is zoey)

I started having feelings for my bestfriend I didn't want to tell him because I thought they would go away but they didn't so I knew I had to tell him

I texted him
Zo:hey can you come over I need to tell you something
Ale💕:Mmm I'm on my way I'll be there in 5
End of texting
I waited for him
5 minutes later
He walked in and sat on my bed
Zoey:promise not to stop being my friend
Ale:ur my bestfriend I could never stop being your friend I'll always be here for you I promise
Zoey:okay welll
Ale:just say it
Zoey:I like you
Ale looks at me with a disgusted face
Zoey:say something ale pleaseeee
Ale:ewww THATS DISGUSTING we aren't bestfriends anymore
Zoey:u promised
Ale:ya cuz I didn't think u would say something this gross
Zoey:I'm sorry
I mumble
Zoey:I love you
Ale comes closer to me so I scoot away scared
Ale:never say u love me again because I hate you okay now I'm leaving
Ale walks out and slams the door
I started sobbing
it's been a month since then situation I've hardly gone to school I've only went 4 times and Ale has not talked to me once
I decided to go to school today because well my mom forced me to

I got up and put sweats on then walked to school
I walked in and got a few stares then kairi came up to me
Kairi:hey I know what happened are u ok I mean you look like a mess u have dried tears all over your face ur hairs a mess u got dark circles under your eyes ur in sweats
Zoey:no I'm not ok
I walked away
I saw Alejandro we made eye contact for the first time in a while I was confused why he was looking at me he never does
We stared at eachother for like 4 minutes
Til I felt tears rushing down my face
I saw he walking towards me so I backed up til I hit the wall
He just hugged me
Ale:I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I don't know how many times I'll have to say it to get you to forgive me but I'll say it has many times as possible im really sorry I've loved u for so long I just thought u would hate me since were my bestfriend and now that I know u still like me well if u do will u be my girlfriend
I nodded and jump into his arms
Ale:I love u
I smiled
Zoey:I love you to

Alejandro Rosario imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin