I still love you

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My ex wanted to get married he decided to invite me to I really didn't want to go but I decided to go so it seemed like I was happy for him which I was but it hurts giving him away
I grabbed my friend and we headed of to the wedding
Nicole:are u ok
Abby:I'm trying not to cry so no one sees
Nicole nodded her head
Abby:I wish it was me marrying him I remember when I almost kissed him but I freaked out
Nicole:I wondered if he felt the same about u but now it's to late to know
Abby:I've been dreading this day
Nicole:I know
(There having a before party don't blame me for not knowing how a wedding works I've been to one ok I was 6 back then😂)
Abby:hey she's in her dress now welcoming the rest of the guest I could go find him get it off my chest but I don't wanna mess things up it's for the best
Nicole nodded
I felt someone tap my shoulder so I turned around to see the one and only Alejandro Rosario
I fake smiled
Abby:hey ale I'm so proud of u
Ale:I'm not
Abby:what do u mean
Ale:1I'm not proud of myself
Abby:why and also Nicole we will be back
I pull his arm and take it to the corner where no one is
Ale:because I still love u but I lost u now I'm marrying her
Abby:u don't have to
Ale:I know that's why I'm doing this
He goes up on the stand(idk what it's called)
Ale:guys I'm sooo sorry I'm calling off this wedding I fell out of love and I didn't realize it til today guys I'm so sorry again
He walks off and grabs you hand then pulls I out
(I'm cringing at my own writing)
Ale:pleaseee be mine again
Abby:I'd love to be yours again
You jump into his arms and hug him
He automatically hugs back
I texted Nicole
Ab ab💙:hey I'm sorry I'm leaving with ale I'm sorry I feel horrible but it was his idea and I still love him so I'm not ruining this chance ok
Nic nic🦋:I'm not mad don't worry I never liked Katie she was really annoying I only went cuz u asked me to and aweee so y'all back together
Ab ab💙:ya we are
Nic nic🦋:yayayayayayayaya
End of texting

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