"The city of Mulysa"

23 3 8

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Two little dead bodies lay down on the wet base, a disgusting smell of blood extend in the room, more then five man wearing grey tissues forme a circle around the two dead childrens.

A year earlier from present day and inside one of Louis's asylum's rooms, the sad area get louder with the sounds of foots, the captain of the guards push away one of the employees to check the horrible scene.

Kosie's little dead hand closed on the silver nail inside it while blood splash the boy's hair.

The two dead bodies lay down motionless while mud find its way to there noises, dead eyes staring at the void while a blue color start to spread on the cheek.

The workers stared in shock for few seconds and although the long time they spent between the walls of this institution, some of them lost his temper, you don't get to see an execution like this everyday even here in the asylums.

" What are you waiting for?hell worms to eat them? move before it get stinky." captain of the guards screams.

" But they are just childrens, maybe we should spare them from..."

" Shut it." another employee whispers as he grab his fellow's shirt from behind.

" What's that new one?" captain of the guards asked, the black circles around his eyes indicated a long nights of amnesia and although his fancy nickname his authority wasn't that wide, he was only responsible for the employees.

" All what i meaned is..." the young man was about to finish his sentence before he find himself at the centre of a circle.

The other workers surrounded him from all direction even the one that warned him moments earlier.

" Well carry on!" captain of the guards demands as he snatch one of the chains from the employees and roll​ it around his fist.

The young man examine the situation he's into right now, it didn't take him long to understand how things works in the madhouse, you do your job and keep your mouth shut or else.

"Nothing sir." the man said and turn around to lift one of the dead boys.

" Good, make this room appropriate for tommorow morning."captain of the guards said then turn his face and exit the room while the other employees start there work.

Ten minutes from this, between the cold structures of the asylum and at the end of a long hallway, the floor is wet and cracked in some spots, few lanterns attached to the walls of the hallway illuminate the area.

Two employees of the slums are marching slow through the passage holding Kosie and Horras on there shoulders.

"This isn't right!" the young man said then stop.

" What are you doing ? move, we have another chip after this." his friend demands as he stop a front two scratched doors.

" I didn't think that..." the young man said while he stare at his friend

" What will they do with them anyway!" the young man asked then pointed at the door behind his friend.

" I don't know but they surely don't barry them if that's what you're asking." the old employee answered then adds

" Told you, this job is not for your kind."

The two men opened one of the doors and throw the two bodies inside the room and rush back to the hallway.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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