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A cold airwave clears the sky a bit, sounds of boots circling in the streets, a mixture of hot bread and lemon vapor moved in the air just seconds before the familiar muddy smell get the advantage as usual.

It's a new day in city of insanity, sunrise last only for a few miraculous seconds just before the steam of the factories hanged the sky with the same rubbish climate​.

Only few lights of radiation could tell it's day time, mud dirt and a huge chaotic roads that would drive anyone mad if he walk between them for the first time, horrible smells of garbage and leftovers stuck to the flesh of earth itself.

Red eyes fill with tears flashes through the street, man and women dressed in black or green old tissues, the smell was unbearable sometimes  but not for everyone, not for the kid who is sitting at the entrance of an old house, Kosie has lost his sense of smell a year earlier. 

We are now in one of "ITEFE" 's worst territories, the right side of city centre A.K.A "Behemoth​ street".  

He drew heat from scratching his worn out vest while crowds marsh in all directions, when was the last time he had a respectful meal? a month, a year, Kosie couldn't tell, for him all days are the same now.

"Move!"a man on a horse yelled just barely before he almost crush a woman who was surpassing the road, some stressful words were exchanged between the two man and woman before everyone get back to there daily routine.

No apologize came from the man as he departed riding his grey tired horse, death has always been a regular guest here and especially in Behemoth where factories kill hundreds of employees each day but if you die expect no dignity, unless you are a rich gentleman. 

Meanwhile, our friend Kosie who hasn't considered himself part of all of this sited quite as a smile covers his white face no idea could tackle through his mind now.

"Thank goodness, still have an hour before the factory opens."the boy murmured as he stare at all these small events around him.

It's a moment of peace Kosie used to have it sometimes when he gets up early, a moment to remember the sweet memories he once had when he wasn't a part of this world, life was much different behind door "1474"yes it was, for Kosie at least.

He was on his way to become a man of wisdom, an alchemist like his father Mr.Graham but all is gone when Kosie decided to go through the endless corridor to the real world so he can find Frederick and put an end to his family's curse .

" Failed! you' ve failed." a familiar clear voice vibrates in kosie' s ear .

. . .

Seven years earlier this day, and inside the old house that exists in Behemoth street just behind the door with number 1474 and through the magical corridor.

"Failed! You' ve failed to extract gold." Mr.Graham announced while his shaking hands holds a green stone.

Next to him there was a small piece of copper.

Now we are in Mr.Graham's lab.

A huge black oven in the middle with multi pipes coming out from it, a blue candle attached to the roof, few tables in the corners with many artifact lay on top of them.

A scull of an unknown creature settled on one of the tables next to hundreds of research papers, M.r Graham was a busy man.

" Sorry sir i'll be better next time." Kosie murmured while his face stare at the floor.

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