All of that happened two weeks ago, till now, I didn't talk to him, every time he tries to, I just run away from him, I fooled everyone that I was okay, I would smile at everyone, I would apply makeup to hide the tears stains and the dark circles around my eyes, I would dress normally to convince everyone that I'm okay, Jughead told them that we had a huge argument and that he said some hurtful things to me, that's why I avoided him, making the pain I feel doubled, his eyes kept chasing me, I know that what I am doing is wrong but, if I cheated once, why wouldn't I cheat again?
Jughead's pov :
Sadie's been avoiding me for two weeks now, I don't know what's wrong with that girl, I'm supposed to be the one avoiding her, not the other way around , I mean she said she cheated on me but, if that even happened, she was drunk and we all do things when we're drunk, and if she did kiss someone, I would have noticed, when archie gave her to me, her hair wasn't messed up, her red lipstick wasn't smudged or anything, still, if I want to talk to her I have to make sure nothing between her and moose happened, so here I am, after school and walking towards the football field to ask moose if he kissed my girlfriend, wow!.
As I approached moose, I saw archie on the way, I'm still mad at him for calling sadie a 'thief', he said that she 'stole' me from betty and that she planned everything which is total crap.
"hey moose" I smiled as I approached him, we weren't really close so it was kinda awkward to go and ask him if he kissed my girlfriend, he smiled and removed his helmet "hey jug, how you doing?" "I'm great, uh I need to ask you something?" he nodded while I shifted uncomfortably "this is weird but, in Cheryl's party, did anything happen between you and sadie in there?" he seemed to be thinking for a while "no, I didn't even see her there, why?" I shook my head while smiling slightly "Sadie's been avoiding me because she thinks that she kissed you in the party, she said that archie pulled her off of you" realization hit me, Archie lied to her, Archie lied to us, he made sadie think that she did something wrong while she didn't do anything, I glared in the direction of archie, all I want to do is go there and punch him in the face, but then I remembered sadie, she has to know that she didn't do anything wrong, I thanked moose and ran back inside the building looking frantically around me, I looked through every window, classroom, gym, the newspaper, everywhere until I was about to give up, then I caught a shadow of a short girl walking out of the school, I decided to check may be it was her.
I was right, it was sadie who I was chasing around the parking lot, at first I thought it was veronica, since both of them had the same height, except veronica wear heels and sadie don't, also, there is no way in hell that sadie, my best friend and crush for over six years and my girlfriend for a month would wear grey short plaid skirt and a black bodice sweater, but the only thing that confirmed to me that that girl was sadie and not veronica was Sadie's white sneakers, I ran behind her "sadie!" I yelled hoping to make her stop, she just quickened her pace, I couldn't help but laugh at her failed attempts to run away from me as I caught her arm with ease, however, she didn't look at me and kept squirming in my hands "stop! I need to talk to you" I said trying to hold my laughter at her childish behavior, she huffed still trying to get away "I don't want to talk to you" "well, you don't have much of a choice, do you?" she stopped squirming and looked at me with a raised eyebrow "fine, you want to talk, let's talk" "not in here , I want to talk away from everyone, so will you stop being a stubborn and walk with me to my bike or do I have to carry you to it?" she scoffed slightly and crossed her arms looking up at me with a smirk "you wouldn't" I stared down at her challenge-ly as she started to move toward the bike, in a swift motion I lifted her up and continued to walk toward the bike, I knew how scared she was that I was going to drop her if she moved, it's not the first time I carry her, I placed her on the bike and gave her her helmet, she looked at me puzzled "I kept it with me, in case we talked things between us" she smiled at me"you still wants me? " I smiled " yes, I want you, even though you're a complete idiot " I got on the bike and started it driving towards my home.
Once both of us were seated in the trailer, I told her everything, I told her about the argument with archie, the conversation with moose, I told her that she didn't do anything and that archie lied to her, she was on the edge of breaking down, he lips trembling and eyes wide with tears in it, she looked at me "but, Archie is my friend, why would he lie to me?" her voice cracked as the tears fell from her eyes, I pulled her into my arms rubbing her back trying to comfort her "I don't know sade, I don't know, but I do know that he is no longer my friend" she pulled away shaking her head "no, Jughead don't, he's your best friend, we'll talk to him okay, don't lose your best friend, it's bad" I nodded at her as she laid her head on my shoulder again, hesitantly, warping her arms around mine "does that mean you're mine again ?" I quickly smirked "not yet, you still didn't get your punishment" her head shot up to me and a look of horror flashed through her features "jug, no please no, I'm way too old for that" she tried to pull away but I already grabbed her and pinned her legs with mine and started tickling her, her laughter filling the trailer and my life with happiness and joy, I stopped tickling her and just laid on top of her "never do that again, please don't leave me again" she calmed down and nodded "I promise" I pressed my lips to hers, the passion between us was the same as the first kiss, I pulled her up, our lips still connected as I pushed my way toward my room with her body between my arms, I laid on my bed and pulled her next to me, we broke the kiss breathing slightly heavier, we laid there, my arm around her waist and her head on my chest, I enjoyed the moment before I blow up in Archie's face tomorrow...

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