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My pov:
Belle Cooper, Betty cooper's non identical twin sister, the youngest Cooper girl, the definition of a perfect girl, her short blonde hair falling in perfect waves, her big baby blue eyes makes her look so innocent, her short frame makes her look like a kid, she was calm and sweet and managed to make her mom proud and happy , when anyone has a problem, they goes straight to her, however, Belle wasn't her twins favorite, Betty was always jealous of her, since the day she found out that archie was in love with her sister, when Betty was over archie and ready to tell Jughead how she feels about him, her sister and Jughead got together making her snap, she avoided her sister for weeks and always fought with her, then something happened and it made everyone sad, the thing is, Belle had an accident which led to her being in a coma for two months and here they are, Archie and veronica sitting outside with the cooper's, Jughead and betty sitting next to the unconscious girl, jug holding her hand while telling her about the new things in riverdale while Betty was behind him, her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him, her eyes roaming his face, the face of the boy she was madly in love with, the same boy she fought her twin because she loves him, the boy she wished her sister's death because of, she was about to talk to him when suddenly, her twin's eyes fluttered open, within a second everyone filled the room and betty was left outside without any feeling, not happiness, not anger, not sadness, nothing, she felt absolutely nothing, meanwhile, everyone was telling her how they missed her, and the cooper's playfully scolding her for scaring them, after a few minutes they left leaving her and jug in the room, once the door was closed, she turned to him, eyeing him up and down "that's a nice jacket" she spoke bluntly gesturing to the leather jacket he was wearing, his eyes went wide as he avoided her gaze "I... Uh.. I joined the serpents" he mumbled wait for her to go off on him, instead she brought his hand to her lips, planting a light kiss on it "my badass boyfriend" she said with a smirk, he sighed in relief as he brought her lips to his in a kiss he longed for a long time, when they pulled away, both of them had smiles plastered on their faces, then the doctor came in with a polite smile "hey, how are we doing?" she smiled at him before saying a simple 'fine', then the doctor asked Jughead to leave the room so he can check on her, with a kiss on her head, he left the room and walked outside to the family, he noticed that Betty was sitting far from everyone, he thought that she was happy that her sister, her twin sister is back, little did he know that she wasn't paying attention to anything, she was in her own world where her twin did not exist , and she won Jughead...
Belle's pov:
I was finally dismissed from the hospital, as I pulled my baby blue jumpsuit on and laced up my shoes, my door was opened revealing Jughead with his smile, I smiled at him and turned around looking for my necklace, he gave it to me in my birthday, it was so special to me, suddenly I felt the coldness of the silver on my neck, I turned around and saw Jughead looking at me lovingly, his arm snack around my waist while his other hand grabbed my chin "I missed you so much, Belle, don't do this again" he mumbled before catching my lips in a passionate kiss, once he pulled away he bent down and picked me up bridal style, I giggled at him as he made his way out "what are you doing?, what if mom saw you?" I asked as he looked down at me with a smirk "it's your mother's orders" just as I was about to reply, dad appeared from behind "that's true, you're mother will chain you in bed until she says that you are healed again" dad walked off and I turned to Jughead, both of us laughing, jug made his way to my dad's car, he placed me in the back seat next to polly "okay beauty, I'll be behind you" he said and closed the door, moving toward his motorcycle, polly turned to me "beauty?" she questioned and I smiled at her "he says that I'm the beauty and he is the beast" I heard betty scoff slightly from her spot but I shrugged it off, and that's how the ride home was like, mom and dad in the front exchanging small talks every once in a while, Betty looking out the window and me talking to polly's kids...
Once we pulled up into our driveway, jug rushed to my side, opening the door for me and carrying me in his hand, we followed mom as she opened the door, as jug made his towards the stairs mom's voice stopped him "jug, you'll be staying for dinner" she said and walked off, jug looked at polly, who was standing on the end of the stairs, she shrugged then moved to the living area, jug made his way toward my bedroom, I opened the door and he entered my baby blue room, I was the only one who had a room with different color and different colors in clothes not just pink, he closed the door and moved towards the bed, he sat down and sat me on his knee, I smiled at him "you know, the nurse told me that there was a guy, he came and visited me everyday and they had to kick him out of the room, do you know anything about that?" I looked at him with a smirk as he pushed my hair behind my ears "I think I know something, which is this guy is madly in love with you" he closed the gap between us in a sweet kiss, sadly, I had to break it, I looked at him trying to find a way to tell him about what was really hurting me "what's wrong?" he asked concerned, I gave him a sad smile "don't you think that betty has been acting weird since me and you got together?, she always fought with me, and in school she just ignores me, do you think I did something wrong?" he took a moment to think about it, then he held my hand "look, I don't know what's going on with Betty, but I know that she loves you, she would always go with me to see you, I think she has some trouble and you being her twin, even if you didn't look the same, she would always get her feelings to you, anger, sadness, happiness even numbness, that's the thing between the siblings " I looked at him, contemplating wether to tell him about what I saw in my coma and I decided against it, I nodded at him, wanting to change the subject, I smirked "since when you became wise?" he rolled his eyes and smirked at me "I'm always wise, you just don't give me a chance to show you" I laughed as he reconnected our lips...
One week later
I was finally able to get back to school, I was two months away but with Jughead's help, I was able to get in the line with my classmates, then I was called to the principal office, surprisingly betty was there as well, I sat there confused as why I was called, principal weatherbee cleared his throat "Ms. Cooper, I have no doubt in your ability of running the blue and the gold with the help of Mr. Jones, but I think your twin will be a good addition to the team" my mouth hang open as betty looked like she was about to explode "you want me to give up on the blue and the gold, for her ?" I didn't miss the hate in her voice, tears bricked in my eyes as Mr weatherbee had the expression of shock " I didn't say that, I thought you would -" "Mr weatherbee, may I speak , I don't want to join the blue and the gold" he nodded in understanding and dismissed us both, I ran out of the office looking for betty, then I bumped into Jughead "hey, you okay?, what's wrong with betty?" he asked looking down at me "I think I'll lose my twin, did you see where she went?" "she left the school, she shouldn't be too far, you can catch up with her" I sprinted down the hall all the way to our house, knowing her, she'll goes to her room...
I entered the house after Betty, everyone stood as soon as they saw her storming into the house, I grabbed her arm trying to make her stop, she snatched her arm from me "don't touch me, you're always taking everything from me, first archie, then Jughead and now the blue and the gold, what do you want from me, couldn't you just let me be happy?" my eyes were wide, she has feelings for juggie "what are you talking about?" "I'm talking about the fact that you are so selfish, you make everyone think that you are, a selfless, kind, perfect girl, whilst you are nothing but a disgrace, I'm ashamed to say that I am your twin, thank God I don't look like you" she scoffed when she saw tears in my eyes "yes cry like you always do, God, couldn't you just die, Belle" she pushed past me walking to her room, everyone was stunned, wide eyes and mouths hanging open, I ran to my room and slammed my door shut, locking it and sliding down, tears fell from my eyes as I replayed my twin words
I'm ashamed to be your twin
I just cried and cried for what felt like forever, now I was sure that what I saw while I was in a coma wasn't just a bad dream...
Jughead's pov :
If you told me that Alice Cooper would call me and asking me to come for Belle, I would have called you a crazy person, but here I am, standing on the cooper's porch after a frantic call from Alice Cooper telling me that Belle still didn't come out of her room and she doesn't answer, I knocked on the door and Hal opened the door for me, without a word I made my way to her room "Belle, it's me, just open the door" I waited a few seconds and didn't get any response, sighing, I took out a poppy pin she forgot with me, I unlocked her door making her, slightly, jump in fear, I smirked as I closed the door behind me, locking it and making my way to her, her face was red, her hair a little bit messed up, she may not be in her best, but she still beautiful as ever, she was sitting near her window, I sat down on the opposite side of her, she didn't look at me "she hates me jug, she said that I'm a disgrace and selfish, she said I stole you from her" I knew that she was talking about betty, I sighed as I held her hand in mine "you're not a disgrace, you're not selfish and you didn't steal me from anyone, cause I love you and only you, don't let her talk bother you" "when I was in the coma, I saw something, it was you and betty, you both looked happy, and I was standing on the side watching you, I saw that every second for two months, and I it crashed me, I can give her everything but you, does that makes me a bad sister? " her childish tone made me smile at her softly as I pulled her into my arms" no that does not, and even if you left everything for her, you can't leave me, you know why? "she looked up at me with curiosity" cause I'll chase you, everywhere you go, and even if I had to handcuff you to me "she chuckled at me" can you stay with me tonight? "she questioned and I nodded, I scooped her up and moved toward the bed where we both laid together unaware of the eyes on us....
A/N :this has a part 2

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