The Monocle

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Diana tapped the seat anxiously as she watched Diego standing at the dock. She looked back at Klaus perplexed. "What is he doing?" She asked.

"Brooding." He smiled and leaned forward as he shouted. "Hey Diego! Woohoo!" He called, "I hate to rush you through any kind of brooding moment you might be having," he said, "but come on man, we're starving!"

"We are?" Diana looked at him confused. She then felt the presence again. She made room by getting out and going over to the passenger seat. She looked back at Klaus feeling a little weirded out.

Klaus closed his door and exhaled. "I'm craving... eggs." He winced, "No it's too late for eggs. Waffles, huh?" He smiled to his left, "you like waffles huh. ... Everyone likes waffles."

Diana was a little concerned but she didn't think Klaus was crazy. She saw Diego's attention snap back when the radio on the hood went off.

Like a command, he instantly picked it up and went back into the car.

"Diego, thank you for joining us." Klaus exhaled. "We have decided on, drumroll, waffles."

"I'm gonna drop you off at the bus stop. I gotta get back to work." Diego said blatantly. Klaus and Diana both shared the same pain of abandonment in their eyes. Klaus dealt with it the only way he could. "What, breaking bones and cracking skulls?" He said sarcastically.

"Saving lives, baby." He corrected.

Klaus looked to his side, "Looks like it's frozen waffles again.." Klaus continued to talk to himself as Diana looked at Diego. "You can't be serious." She said as she saw him putting his mask on.

Diego didn't answer her.

"You know I'm coming with you." She said sitting back in her seat.

He still didn't answer; driving off.

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