Around the Corner

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"I wanted to thank you for all your help on this case," said Nancy as they twirled around the dance floor.

"I'm happy to have been there when you needed me," said Richard with a smile. "And happy this is all over. I hope you don't mind if I asked a favor of you."

Nancy blinked, though she was becoming excited. "Uh, sure. What is it?"

Richard chuckled. "What else? A mystery. I will have to double check with my mom and see if it's OK if you take this case. It's very personal and must be kept secret. If Mom agrees, you'll soon learn why it must be kept a secret."

Nancy grinned. "If your mom says yes, I'd be happy to solve it for you."

"Thanks Nancy. It would really put my mind at ease."

"Always happy to help." Nancy's focus on the dance kept her from squealing and jumping up and down in excitement. Another mystery, and so soon! She was going to be ahead of the Hardys for the first time! She couldn't wait to get started. Provided, of course, that Nadia Matthews said yes. Nancy hoped she would.

Don then stepped in and got Nancy for the next dance.

"What were you talking about?" he asked.

"Business, apparently he has a mystery he would like for me to solve." She beamed. "And I can't wait!"

Don chuckled. "Glad to hear it." There was a moment's pause. "You're still sure about us, you know, not working out?"

"Are you sure about us working out?" she asked.

"No, not really. I think I'm beginning to understand why you didn't want to go out with me." He chuckled. "I always thought that I wasn't good enough, or, maybe even not handsome enough to catch some girl's eye."

"I'm sorry, I never meant for you to take it like that."

"I know that now, and I'm so sorry for taking so long for realizing it. I now know the real reason why you didn't want to go out with me, it's because we have different goals, goals that wouldn't work well together. I don't know if I can handle dealing with mysteries on a constant basis, while you will actively look them out if you go too long without it."

Nancy chuckled. "That is very true. And, to be honest, I really should have up and told you this all as well, but I guess I didn't quite know how to explain it at the time. Now I do, and you couldn't have said it better."

Don shrugged. "Oh well, guess we'll just have to learn from our mistakes. But, um, may I ask that we continue to prefer each other over the others? Just until we get through prom at least."

The music ended and they stopped dancing. "I'll think about it," replied Nancy before heading back to her table.

Emily came back and sank into her chair out of breath. "Phew."

"A lot of luggage?" asked Ida.

Emily nodded. "She's a wealthy woman, her maid's staying with her."

"Whoa," chorused the other girls.

Helen's phone dinged. She quickly reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. "Oh yes! Katherine says that they'll need three rooms." She glanced at Nancy with a grin. "And I've managed to convince them to stay until after Nancy's birthday."

"Oh wonderful! Then she'll get to meet Bess and George too!" said Nancy.

"Nancy's birthday, Bess and George returning home, and making plans for a spectacular Halloween display in the tunnels," said Izzy.

Ida lifted a finger. "Plus a healthy sprinkling of mysteries in between."

"Sounds like we've got a busy summer ahead of us," said Emily.

Helen chuckled. "It definitely does sound like it."

Nancy laughed. "And when Bess and George get here, they'll get to join in all the fun!"

"Oh Bess is not going to like that," said Helen. She grinned. "But George definitely will."

Izzy laughed. "And I can't wait to meet them!"

"Same!" said Ida.

Nancy grinned. "I can't wait for you to meet them either! I'm sure you'll all be great friends!" Though they were celebrating her triumph in this recent mystery, deep down inside she was counting down the days not only to when her friends would get back from the beach, but also to her next mystery. She hoped Nadia would say yes, that she would get to solve Richard's mystery. Though she was right, her next mystery was just around the corner. It just wouldn't be quite what she expected. But she would sleep well that night, knowing her friends and family were safe, and that another mystery was just on the horizon. 

Nancy Drew: 2 . The Hidden StaircaseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang