The suspect

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The phone rang Alyson picked it up it was a girl and she said your dum mysteries are pointless they make no sense she started swearing and cursing so Alyson just hung up she was freaked out she sat back down and told me everything so I took my puppy notebook and wrote suspect number 1 it said on the top of the phone her name was Nicole and then I realized it was Nicole.
They went to school and they pulled Nicole over and said, NICOLE!!! So you were the one who did it all. Nicole looked really shocked and confused she said. "what made you think that I was at my aunts house last night and she doesn't have enough money for the phone bill so I couldn't use it",we said we were sorry and moved on with our life but the next day Nicole came and said her cousin came to her house because her aunt was having a party for only adults.

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