Chapter 3:

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Edited: 02/08/2019- This is my seventh attempt at editing this chapter as my nephew pressed the back button when I was nearly finished with it. My sister was dying of laughter. I was not.

Okay, I cannot do this anymore! My internet connection, or lack thereof, has made me cry, so please excuse this un-edited chapter. I tried... And failed. You've won this time, laptop!

Anyway, enough about me, let's get on with the story! I hope you guys are interested in how Joey met Yami, Kaiba, Marik, and Bakura.

I mean no disrespect, nor want people to get the impression that I am generalizing for Yami's, Marik, and Bakura's conditions. I respect all kinds of people, especially those dealing with mental and physical conditions. I will also be using examples I have experienced with either myself or people I have worked with to make this feel as realistic as possible.


Chapter 2:

Joey remembered when he had first met Yami. He remembered the tri-coloured teen being so quiet, so withdrawn within himself. The boy would sit, alone, in the courtyard during break and lunchtimes, listening to music while he sketched. Many times, fan-girls and other brave students would approach him in one way or another, although the guy would either ignore them or introduced them to... the more colourful vocabulary he had learnt over the years.

He seemed most hostile towards the female population, Joey had noticed, as they flirted and lorded over him like some untouchable god. It baffled and ticked Joey off to no end. He was jealous and couldn't fathom why the other male would ignore such attention that was given so freely. He felt put off by the boy's behaviour. Yami was a man after all; anyone else would kill to be in that position! Although, the guy didn't seem interested.

In class, he was quiet and seemed to be a million miles away. His grades were average, and he tended to avoid group activities/events like the plague. He kept his interactions with anyone else to a minimum, preferring to ask questions to the teacher outside of class time. Admittedly, this troubled Joey slightly. It was strange for a teenager to act in such a way that it made him wonder if something was troubling him.


Soon, he had enough of just watching the young man stumble through a fortnight of solitude. He decided to intercept the teen before he could escape out of the door after a history class. The guy seemed annoyed with the interruption to his normal schedule and had promptly told the blond to move out of his way.

When he refused, Yami had looked up, surprised and had shifted uncomfortably. Joey could tell the teen didn't know how to proceed. It was as if the simple act of denying the teens request had put Yami at a loss. Gaining the upper hand, Joey had demanded an explanation for his behaviour, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He was surprised by the result.

It was then he had realized that the poor guy was shaking. Before he could react, however, Yami had lashed out and punched the blond teen in the stomach. Joey fell to the ground due to the impact. Immediately, the shorter teen had taken a step back, splattering warnings that the other teen 'should have stayed away' and that he 'gotten too close.'

The teacher rushed over and drag Yami to the other side of the classroom. Next, the authority figure had walked back over and help Joey up, asking him if he was alright. It was fruitless; Joey wasn't paying attention to him.

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