chapter 4

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As paru prepare herself for hangout with liu with the help of miyo and sola

Paru: thanks for helping me preparing this hangout cat and pululu


Miyo: so are you sure you want to do this

Paru: yeah of course i want to know bug boy okay

Sola: hehe cuz you like him

Paru: shut up!

Sola: hehe whatever and good luck on your hangout with your boyfriend

Paru: he is not my boyfriend! * blushes hard and walks away *

Meanwhile liu was waiting for paru at the park as he heard footsteps as he sees paru there

Liu: oh you came just in time

Paru: yeah i guess so what do you want to do first

Liu: maybe lets get ice cream

Paru: sure nerd

As paru and liu walked to the ice cream truck

Ice cream person ( totally not me UwU ): hello what ice cream you want?

Liu: i will have chocolate

Paru; i will have strawberry

Ice cream person ( totally not me ): okay * gives strawberry and chocolate ice cream to liu and paru *

Liu: * pays the ice cream person * okay thanks

As paru and liu walks away

Ice cream person ( totally not me ): love birds * does a lenny face *

As paru licks her ice cream same as liu

Paru: yum ice cream!

Liu: agree hehe * smiles *

Paru blushes when she sees liu's smile as the trickster and the inventor finish their ice cream paru has ice cream on cheeks

Liu: you have something on her cheek here let me help you * pulls out a tissue and wipes paru's face *

As paru blushes like a tomato and smiled a bit

Paru: * blushes * t-thanks

Liu; no problem

Paru: okay lets go somewhere else

Liu: okay

As liu and paru went somewhere to get some rest as they sat under at the tree together and looked at each other

To be continue...

Me; holy crud too much love lol

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