chapter 12

382 10 16

After liu and paru incident
As miyo was in her room and does some stretches as she remembers about gai left her and the others to make the guards chase after him as she finish her stretches she decided to go outside at night and go to the park and sit down on the bench as the spy sigh sadly

?????: are you okay?

As she heard a voice and look up and it was ninja k

Miyo: ninja k? I thought you were dead how are you alive?!

Ninja k: hehe its secret..

Miyo: anyway what are you doing here?

Ninja k: welll uhh i just saw you feeling down..can you tell me what's wrong?

Miyo: * lies * its

Ninja k: i know your lying miyo

Miyo sigh in defeat

Miyo: fine..its just that mong..named gai left  me and the others and he was chased by detective frank's pululu guards

Ninja k: oh...

Miyo: and even though i scratch him..alot of times i still miss him..

Ninja k: but you can see your friend again soon..

Miyo; how long...* cat ears down *

Ninja k stayed slient

Ninja k: but if your friend is not coming back..

As ninja k hugs miyo

Ninja k: im here with you always...

Miyo: * blushes * ninja k...

As miyo hugs back

Miyo: thank you..

Ninja k; no problem..

What they didn't know was rema was watching everything and does a lenny face

Rema: i knew it ÒwÓ

This is ninja k x miyo chapter oof

The inventor and the trickster ( running man fanfiction ) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن