CH3 - Like brother like sister

Start from the beginning

"I take it you guys are from Kazanaka Junior High, cause that's where all the idiots go to school." Kuwabara stated before turning to the girls. "It's okay girls, go home, now."

"But we don't even. . ." Keiko trailed off but Kuwabara cut her off.

"Let's just call it an apology for yesterday." He said reassuringly, earning a weak nod from the brunette girl.

"Thank you." Keiko thanked him before she dragged Miyuki from the area and left. The boys and the spirits let out a sigh of relief once both girls were gone. Kuwabara and his gangs turned to the other group of boys.

"You know, I really can't stand it when guys pick on someone weaker than them, but I'll just have to do it to you anyways." Said Kuwabara as he raised his fists up in the air, he and his buddies ready to fight.

"You little-!" The tall guy said and immediately began to charge himself at the gang leader. However, as his fist hit the orange-haired teen's stomach, Kuwabara didn't even flinch. The so-called punch didn't even hurt him at all. The leader laughed at this before returning his enemy's gesture but with more strength and speed. Soon the war broke out. Some of them were just punching and kicking one another while some were even wrestling on the grass.

"Against normal people, Kuwabara is pretty good." Yusuke commented as a small impressed smile planted its way upon his face.

"Go for the kidneys." Botan said as she was cheering for Kuwabara and his team.


Fast forward to the next day, I was sitting on the school's roof with a book in hand while eating my food quietly. I should probably come more often. It's so quiet and peaceful up here.
Might as well hang out with my brother once he is back from the dead. Still, it's hard to believe that he will really come back.

Just like the phoenix in this book. The Phoenix of Light.

The fiery and majestic mystical creature who would rose up from its own ashes. What I really admire in this creature that right after it jumps into the flames it would rise again on its own power, without anyone else's help. . .

. . . It inspired me to be that way myself. . .

To be strong. . . But so far, my journey to be that strong person, I want to be didn't go so successfully. Was it something that I am doing wrong or something is missing from all of this. . .?

With a sigh, I placed my favourite bookmark between the pages and closed the book. Even with my photographic memory, I would still love to have this beauty in my hands because to me, it was a treasure with the ring. And even still I would find the stories and legends of that beautiful mystical creature fascinating. 

Making my way toward my next class my eyes caught three familiar-looking figures looking inside the classroom where I am currently heading.

"If he thinks too hard with that bruised head of his, it might explode." The boy, Sawamura I believe commented.

"Yeah, I am worried." Added Okubo. I rose an eyebrow at their behaviour. I was about to tap one of the boys on the shoulder but the footsteps behind me stopped me. I took a secret glance over my shoulder only to see that smug and stupid rabbit face who calls himself an excuse of a teacher.

"Ha, even if Kuwabara's studies until he is blown in the face, he still could not score more than 30 points on this." He then laughed to himself before leaving completely. I glared at the back of Mr. Akashi's head before finally turning to the boys.

I tapped Sawamura on the shoulder making him and his friends turn to me in surprise.

"O-oh, Ms. Urameshi." Said one of them as they cleared the path for me. I gave a weak nod to them before walking in. As I was going to my desk, I see Kuwabara. . . studying hard. Well, that's something you don't see every day.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now