Joseph, Caesar, and Avdol were all waiting nervously outside the hotel. Although their faces all lit up when they saw you and the others approaching.

The Joestar smiled, "What took you so long? We were starting to think you were dead."

"Stand attack." Grumbled Jotaro as he set you down and just walked past them and straight to his room.

Avdol's hands grabbed yours, "It seems whoever it was has met their match. Although, I was incredibly worried, and you seem to have made a habit out of that as of late. Do you think, perhaps, you could make it up to me?" He touched his lips that had formed into faint smile with his pointer finger , "A simple kiss should suffice."

You let out a small sigh and tried your best to ignore the gazes of everyone. "Okay, sure-" Before you complete your words of approval, Avdol's warm lips were pressed against yours. His thumb gently grazed along the side of your face. However, he was separated from you a moment later when Iggy jumped onto his face with a chorus of barks and scratches.

You could barely hear Polnareff over Iggy, "Hmpf. Serves him right."

You quickly pulled the dog off of Avdol's face, trying your best to tame the tiny beast. "Wow, calm down, Iggy." He barked at you before licking your face. You laughed as you set him back down and turned your attention back to Avdol. "Muhammad, is your face alright?"

He winced as your hand made contact with one of the cuts, "I'll be fine, but I'm going to head back in. Would you care to join me?"

You glanced at the slowly descending sun, "I think I'll stay outside to watch the sun set with Iggy." The dog let out a happy bark as it settled on your lap after you took a seat.

The others followed after the Egyptian except Polnareff. He decided to stay outside with you, probably because it would create some sort of romantic atmosphere.

Iggy smiled as the orange ball of flames hid itself behind the mountains. Polnareff narrowed his eyes at the dog, "Why do you even care about this anyways. There's nothing to eat over there."

Iggy then jumped onto the French man's face and stared chewing on his hair. He ran inside in his attempt to get the creature off of him. "Stop it you stupid mutt!" Now you were left alone outside.

The first star of the night then began to glisten amidst the sky. Would you still be around to watch it fade out entirely? Perhaps. But what did it matter at this point? The light of the sun eventually faded out, being replaced by the coolness of the moon. Then you felt someone's chin resting on your shoulder. The bracers on their arms let you know it was Kars.

"Eternity isn't so bad, you know. Especially with your Stand. If you plan things right, you can take whoever you want with you, I suppose." He gave a low hum as he planted a kiss onto your cheek, "Getting depressed like this isn't good for you, get some rest." You slowly nodded in agreement and walked into the hotel.

When you entered your room, you were surprised to see Jotaro still awake. He was sitting up in his bed, staring at you. It was almost as if he had been waiting for you. Avdol, on the other hand, seemed to be fast asleep. Jotaro beckoned you over and you hesitantly sat down at the foot of the bed. His hair was a mess and he looked incredibly tired.

You kept your voice quiet, "JoJo, why are you still awake?"

Purple, almost translucent arms, pushed you closer to him until he was able to wrap his own arms around you. He rested his head in the crook of your neck and mumbled against your skin, "I tried to sleep, but I couldn't. I keep thinking about how terrible things could've gone today. But... the thoughts go away when I'm holding you like this. Can you share a bed with me? Just for tonight?"

You moved your hand through his dark locks, a bit surprised by his openness. "Yeah, I can do that." He scooted over along the bed and kept you pressed against him as he drifted off into sleep. His hold never loosened, almost as if he were afraid to let go of you.

Unbeknownst to both of you, in the middle of the night while everyone was asleep, Kars took the liberty of making himself present. And no, he wasn't particularly happy with the sight in front of him. So, he took it upon himself to wiggle you out of the Kujo's grip and set you down on your own bed. Once done he dusted his hands off with a sense of a accomplishment and got in the bed to allow himself to snuggle up against you.

Since he decided to stick around, it wasn't difficult to piece the puzzle together when you woke up in the morning. Kars quickly pulled away from you. He seemed almost embarrassed about being caught and quickly made himself vanish. You almost jumped out of the bed when the alarm Avdol has set began beeping. It was letting the others know it was time to get up and going.

Jotaro groaned in his sleep and rolled over to block out the sound. Avdol immediately sat up and shut the alarm off, already beginning to put on a fresh set of clothes. You crept over to the Kujo's bed and gently shook him until his eyes opened.

He grabbed your wrist and pulled you down into his chest, whispering into your ear harshly, "Why did you go back into your bed?"

"Oh, I didn't do it. Kars moved me while we were all asleep." As you spoke, his body relaxed and he let go of your wrist to sit up and get himself ready. He didn't bother to continue the conversation.

So, you met up with the others and headed for Luxor.

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