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  Percy Jackson and Marvel crossover

Idea 1: Percy goes to high school with Peter, they become friends, Peter takes Percy to Avengers Tower/ Stark Tower and Clint tries to scare them, Percy pulls out Riptide and points it at Clint's neck/chest, Clint's a son of Apollo and knows who Percy and fanboys a little bit when he sees Riptide (because it's iconic), then Clint takes Percy away and explains who he is and who the Avengers are, and Percy joins the Avengers.

Idea 2: The Avengers have a mission to go after Percy because he is believed to be a terrorist, he blew up the Gateway Arch, he was at St. Helens when it blew up, he went missing for 8 months then was seen through Europe in places like Greece and Rome, he was seen at a huge sinkhole and disappeared when all his friends left, etc. They show up at his apartment and Sally (his mom) says he's at camp, he comes home the next day and Sally tells him what happened so he goes to Avengers/Stark tower to see what the Avengers want, they explain, he says what happened (either after making sure it's okay with Zeus or saying what happened in the mortals' eyes and then saying what happened but avoiding all the godly stuff) either Annabeth comes after him or the Avengers have him join. They find out later that he has hydrokinesis and can heal with water. He then either says he's a mutant or tells them about demigods and makes them swear on the Styx not to tell anyone about the gods, especially someone in the government and Fury or a gossiping teenager.

Idea 3: Sally and Paul (Percy's mom and second step-dad) are killed by Gaea (Primordial of the Earth, the main antagonist in the Heros of Olympus series) in her last attempt at revenge. Percy finds out that one of the Avengers, Clint or Tony probably maybe Bruce or Natasha, is his uncle or aunt and goes to live with them. He gets recognized by Thor who starts fanboying and bows while everyone else is like "What? Why is a god bowing to this kid?" and Percy is like "Dude get up! I'm trying to be discrete and not have everyone here know! Also, tell anyone and you're dead, I don't care if you're a god or not." They are all having a movie night and Percy gets an Iris Message (the way demigods contact each other because they can't use technology because it attracts monsters) from someone at camp and says they need him because there is an army of monsters led by Kronos trying to attack the camp. Percy runs out and the Avengers follow him as he takes a cab or something to Half-Blood Hill (The border of Camp Half-Blood). Percy fights and kills some monsters and get to Kronos. The Avengers try to fight but none of their weapons do anything except for Thor's hammer so they have to watch a bunch of kids fight for their lives. He and Kronos fight, it's close, Percy gets really hurt but he defeats the Kronos and the rest of the monsters are either killed or run away because their leader is dead. The Avengers rush up to Percy to ask what happened but see he's hurt. They try to take him back to the tower to get medical help but Will Solace (an Apollo camper [Apollo is the Greek god of poems, music, medicine, the sun, prophecies, truth, and knowledge]meaning he is the demigod son of Apollo) pushes them away and rushes Percy to the infirmary to get fixed up. The Avengers wait just outside the border and less than an hour later Percy goes up to them perfectly fine like he wasn't just mortally (haha, it's funny because he's not fully mortal) wounded. Percy lets them into camp and explains demigods and that they are still around, and he continues living with the Avengers and visits camp on the weekends and during the summer he goes to the tower on weekends or he has some Avengers over at camp during the week for capture the flag and sword training, etc.

Idea 4: Percy works at an aquarium (He's either in college and works there to help pay for it or extra credit or he's an adult and works there because he likes hanging with all the fish and stuff) and the Avengers are taking a break from work and decide to go to to the aquarium. They go on a tour and Percy is the tour guide. He is talking about all the different kinds of fish and other marine life they have and he blurts out "Jeremy I'm busy you can tell me later, and how many times have I told you to stop calling me lord?" while talking about a pufferfish. The Avengers look at him like he's crazy, and he just continues with the tour like nothing happened. That night Percy gets the night shift and Tony sneaks in to steal the pufferfish that Percy blurted out near to see if he can find out why. Tony leaves a note saying "I took your pufferfish because I'm pretty sure that one of your tour guides was talking to it. Also I just really want a pufferfish. ~(something that relates to Tony Stark but isn't super obvious)" Percy checks the security footage and sees Tony Stark and goes to Stark Tower, after locking up, and says that Tony stole his pufferfish, and doesn't get let in. He goes outside, summons Mrs. O'Leary ( a heckhound left for Percy by Quintus, who was revealed to be Daedalus, creator of the Labyrinth, who can shadow travel [as it sounds, she can travel great distances quickly through the shadows]) and shadow travels to a balcony near the top of the tower. He crawls through the vents, to stay out of view, and finds the room with the pufferfish and dropped down into it, without checking if it's clear. He says to the pufferfish, "Hey, Jeremy, you good?" and the pufferfish, Jeremy says, "I got a bigger bowl, my lord, and I'm swimming." Percy says, "Okay that's great, let's get you back to the aquarium, okay?" Tony has seen the whole thing (he didn't hear Jeremy because he can't talk to fish like Percy can) and asks Percy about why he talks to a fish when the fish can't talk back and Percy responds by scooping Jeremy up in a fishbowl he brought with him and running out of the room and out the lobby back to the aquarium and putting Jeremy back in his tank.

Percy Jackson (and others) as babies or young children

Idea 1: Percy scared the Hecate campers and they splash a de-aging potion on him. He turns into a baby and has to be taken care of by the seven (a group of Greek and Roman demigods that had to save the world, including Jason Grace son of Jupiter [Roman form of Zeus], Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite [Greek form of Venus], Hazel Levesque daughter of Pluto [Roman form of Hades], Frank Zhang son of Mars [Roman form of Ares] and a descendant of Neptune or Poseidon [I can't remember which], Leo Valdez son of Hephestus [Greek form of Vulcan], Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena [Greek form of Minerva], and Percy Jackson son of Poseidon [Greek form of Neptune]) before the Hecate campers make an antidote.

Idea 2: Percy is talking with Jason, Leo, and Nico (son of Hades [Greek form of Pluto] half brother of Hazel Levesque but the full brother of Bianca DiAngelo [she died], 'Ghost King', 'Bringer of Death', Happy meal obsessed, goth looking boy, is not-so-secretly a cinnamon roll, the boyfriend of Will Solace son of Apollo, technically 80 years old because he was born in the early 1900s but he was put in a magical hotel/casino where '1 night can last 100 years' so he looks 14-17 depending on the book or story)when Connor and Travis Stoll (Hermes campers that look very similar and are full brothers but are not twins, the camp's main pranksters, always getting in trouble) throw a glass bottle in their direction yelling "Catch!" but they aren't fast enough and it shatters at their feet and they turn into little kids. They don't remember what happened after they were that age, their brains, and memories, are reverted to what they were when they were that age. The campers have to take care of the little kid versions of their best friends, and in some cases, boyfriends. 

Those are some ideas for fanfictions. I don't care if you use them to write a story, you don't need to ask me or anything, just write. Bye.

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