Prologue: The Beginning

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Once upon a time, a young man named Kazuhiko Krueger,
On a moon called Kurahon,
lived a happy, peaceful life on a farm
with his family (Minus a father).
His father was adrift in an alternate dimension, never to be seen again...
But Kazuhiko had the best life he could ever ask for, but little did he know that his life could switch its track into a romantic, bizarre and diabolical adventure that once you go, you can never go back...

One day, a group of Imperial soldiers march to his farm at ease.
The commanding officer of the group handed special enrollment forms of the Imperial Military Academia.
"What's this"?
Kazuhiko said in his native tongue.
"Just sign the papers and you're in"...
The Officer said as he gave
Kazuhiko an expensive pen
with elegance.
Kazuhiko was surprised by such behavior...
("I wonder why" he thought).
Only 15 years of age, Kazuhiko signed into the Imperial Military Academia and went to Earth.

It was his first day at
the Imperial Military Academia,
He was invited and introduced to the royal banquet.
All the other guests gave a proper and elegant greeting,
"Why are they being so formal"? Kazuhiko said with curiosity.
But then a man in ornate suit,
looking his 20's chimed in,
"Greetings, I am the Emperor, you must be Kazuhiko Krueger".
Said the Emperor.
"I don't understand, why are people behaving like this to me? I'm just
a farmer". Said Kazuhiko, suggesting that he's not a noble.
"No, you're more than 'Just a farmer', you're my grandson". The Emperor said with kindness and elegance.
Kazuhiko was shocked by the truth,
He didn't know he was a descendant of royalty...
"Your father was a great man,
he helped a lot of innocent people live for as long as they do".
The Emperor said.
"My dad was KIA
on Martian war grounds,
and he will never come back".
Kazuhiko said with mild sorrow...
"I know it's been hard living without your dad, but you still have a
big family". Said the Emperor with concern of his behavior.
"Thanks, Old man"... Said Kazuhiko.
The Emperor chuckled and left the dining hall.

Time passes as the feast goes on...

Kazuhiko goes to study in the library.
On his way to the library,
Kazuhiko accidentally bumped into a short haired girl who had a binder full of art which had scattered onto the floor, Kazuhiko instinctively rushed to help her gather all of the pages when suddenly he and the girl touched hands getting last page.
Kazuhiko panicked!
"I'm sorry". Said Kazuhiko as he formally bowed to her.
The girl was blushing abundantly.
"Just watch where you're going"... She said as looked away for a bit.
"It may not be my place to say, but
I think your art is amazing"...
Said Kazuhiko with a kind voice.
"Uh, thanks".
Said Fiona, mildly blushing.

Kazuhiko said, then awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
"Anyways, I have to go.
Thank you for your time".
Said Kazuhiko, with a confident smile.
"Wait, I forgot to introduce myself"!
"I'm Kazuhiko". Said Kazuhiko.
"Fiona, I'm Fiona"...
Said Fiona, blushing yet again...
"Fiona, what a fine name"!
Said Kazuhiko, awkwardly.
Fiona; bursting with fan girl emotions, made haste back to
her dormitory.

Kazuhiko, walking down the hallway,
Bored, a bit anxious, hoping he will not mess things up.
"Good thing I packed my tempura to supper with me,
or I would be a goner"...
He said, as he walks to his dormitory.

Kazuhiko enters his dormitory.
"Greetings. I'm Caesar,
your cousin, nice to meet you"!
Said Caesar.
"Hey, Caesar". Said Kazuhiko.

Kazuhiko goes to his bathroom mirror.
Noticing that he looks different
from before, his eyes were once hazel; like his mother's,
his hair dark Brown
like the rest of the Krueger
family members.
His ears once round, but now pointy.
Kazuhiko, pale as ever.
his eyes; violet as the flower itself,
his hair; Jet black as the moonless night, but the one thing that terrified him the most, was his pointy, sharp fangs; like a dagger, long, sharp, dangerous.

"A FINE name? I'm such a fool"...
Kazuhiko thinks to himself,
as he turned off the lights and proceeded hibernate.

Kazuhiko walks down the hallway
and into class, as soon
as Kazuhiko enters, the girls in his classroom immediately adore him.
"You look so masculine & chiseled"!
Said a few of the girls in the class.
"Ehh, thank you"?
Kazuhiko said, awkwardly.
"Alright, let's learn about our ancient
gender equality laws, 3,000 years ago
some women would resent masculinity and always despise masculine, heterosexual,
Caucasian or Asian males.
They were kind of fascist, until one day Alucard, our great holy emperor established true gender equality,
by creating the Holy Imperial Gender Equality commandments
(The H.I.G.E. Laws for short).
If you try to start a sexist uprising, you will be shipped out of
the Milky way galaxy, racism and sexism have been around for too long, Alucard has changed the world,
made it pure and peaceful.
Racism & sexism are STRICTLY forbidden here...
Remember, no organized hate,
either love or hate
EVERYONE equally".
Said the professor, as he taught
the class.
"I already like this planet".
Kazuhiko thought to himself.

The bell tolls.
"Alright, time hit the dojo"!
Said the professor, as he put on his armor and brandished
his bamboo sword.
"Let's get a move on".
Said the professor, as the class went to the dojo to practice
martial arts & swordsmanship.
Kazuhiko is trained well in both.
Fiona is not as strategic and rational as Kazuhiko in both arts, so Kazuhiko trains with Fiona to help her get better at fighting, defending and surviving in the wilderness.
Fiona got better with her skills and Kazuhiko took a liking to Fiona,
they became friends.
They even had brunch together...

The bell tolls, t'is almost evening... time passes on as the two
shared every moment conversing about the things they like, they both have similar taste in music, literature,
and Japanese animated films.
They both got their things and went back to their dormitories
and called it a day, literally...

"Phew, what a day"... They both said, as they close their doors behind them.
They both yawned and borderline threw themselves into their own beds and slept like stones...

3 months have passed,

Kazuhiko and Fiona have built a friendship that could not be broken by any circumstances.
Kazuhiko and Caesar attended a family reunion, Kazuhiko knew his father wouldn't be there, but his mother was, and he could never have felt so happy.

Everything happened so suddenly.
Kazuhiko felt the time passing by,
but being with Fiona and Caesar
made him feel something,
made him feel comfortable.
Kazuhiko became more experienced.

He had no regrets.

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