"Wh-what?" He started the car. "Do you know what happened?"

"No. But LaMelo needs me. I can't just stay here while he's in unimaginable pain."

"Have you told him yet?"

"No. I was supposed to do it tonight, but then this happened and I-"

"Calm down." He looked at me. "It's going to be fine."

I had never really talked to Anthony through a regular conversation. Usually he's hitting on me, or being a complete jerk. I guess his interest in Jazlyn changed his perspective on me for the better. Our eye contact lasted a split moment before he turned to look at the road again.

A ride that was only fifteen minutes felt longer. It felt like an eternity. I went through every scenario in my head of how I'll approach him. If he'd be crying. What should I say to comfort him, or do to make him feel calm?

"We're here." Anthony pulled the keys out of the ignition, and the car shut off. I took a deep breath before opening the door and getting out. Our walk to the hospital entrance was quiet. I walked swiftly, and my heart began to beat faster, the closer we approached the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"New." I turned my head to see LaVar sitting in a hospital chair. I didn't answer the lady, but rather moved beside her.

"Hey, what happened? LaMelo called me."

"Tina had a stroke."

"Wh-what? How?"

"There was an abrupt interruption of blood flow to her brain that caused loss of brain function. It lead to a ischemic stroke."

"She's in surgery?"

"Yea, the doctors said she won't be out for a while."

"And how long has Melo been here?" Anthony jumped into the conversation.

"Since yesterday morning when we found out. He got on the first plane to LA."

"What about Lonzo?"

"He's on his way with Gelo."

"Oh." I was playing with the acrylic nails attached to my fingers. I often find myself doing this when I get nervous. It's an obvious habit that I should probably break. "How bad is he taking it?"

"Horribly. I haven't seen him cry like this since he was younger. He won't talk to anyone. He won't eat. He won't sleep. He won't go home.....I need you to take him to the apartment. Let him shower, get him cleaned up. Please?"

"Yea." I nodded my head. My eyes had moved to the left where LaMelo was looking out of the window by the vending machine. The section was excluded from everywhere else, and the moonlight beamed on his pale skin. "Hi my love." I approached his intimidating figure with a small smile on my face. My hand laid on his back, and his body instantly loosened.

"Hi Shawty."

"You're okay?"

We stared at each other for a moment. I studied his very light freckles and the tears fixating in his eyes. "N-No."

"Come here." I pulled his head down to my neck. His arms wrapped around my waist, while my hands slowly rubbed his waves in the direction they flowed. "It's gonna be okay. You're going to be okay. Tina is going to be okay."

"But what if-"

"Shhh..." I kissed his neck. "What did I say?"

"She's going to be okay." I focused on his sniffling. "Ca-can you take me home."

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