- True love - part 1 -

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Hi, I’m y/n. 10 years ago, something happened to me. You want to know what?

Well… I lost my left leg. A stupid accident with the car. Since I have lost it… I don’t have a good life. The first 5 years I had to go with no leg and foot. But the 6th year, I got this leg prosthesis.

I tried to walk with it, tried to be happy that I could walk again. But still, it wasn’t the same. Most of the people looked weird at me or some even bullied me. I actually have one friend. But she seems to fade away already to, the popular girls you know?

It’s just weird that people treat you differently by one thing that isn’t the same as them. I can’t do anything about it that I lost my leg, so what’s the problem? But… I guess that are just humans.

“Sweetie, are you ready?” my mom asked me. “Yeah yeah” I told her and attach my prosthesis. I took my bag and go out to go to school. “Bye honey” my mom called after me. I waved to her and start walking. My school is 5 min from here, so I can deal with it.

“Yeaaahhh have you heard that to?? He’s just cheating on her like hell aha” oh… if we don’t have the popular girls there. There it comes.

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