My First Year at Hogwarts... I'm a Little Late

Start from the beginning

I was in awe at the beauty of the castle. We sat in his office while he filled out paper work. I got up and looked around his office. The door opened and in came the Minerva women. She walked by, not noticing me. "Finally Albus, I was wondering whe-" She paused wrinkling her nose in displeasure. "What is that smell? It smells like wet dirt and sweat." She asked as she covered her nose. "That is is Miss Vilkas, Minerva." Albus said while pointedly looking at me. She turned to me and almost gasped. "You need a bath desperately, child." She said in exasperation. I took a whiff of the air and wrinkled my own nose. "You smell like a mangy cat." I retorted. She gasped and looked enraged. "What house are you in and I will see to it that you will be punished by your head of house!" She said in anger. I growled causing her to look shocked. "DID YOU JUST GROWL AT ME?!" She shrieked. Albus chuckled at the irony of the situation. "Minerva I found Miss Vilkas in the forest of Dean, shortly after you had left." He said as he clasped his hands together. I gave a warning look, to which he ignored. "She had been living in the woods by herself for a year and is very rusty at socializing." He explained. I internally sighed in relief. Minerva's anger quickly melted in to compassion and understanding. "Oh, poor girl!" She said sincerely. "I must ask you to help her bathe in my private bathroom and help her get dressed." He asked. Minerva looked a bit conflicted. "I think that would be inappropriate for her to use your bathroom, Albus." Minerva said slowly. Albus waved it away and turned dead serious. "I do not wish for anyone to know she is here yet, Minerva. Therefor, she is to stay in my chambers until I can find her a secure place for her to stay." He said. Minerva nodded and walked toward me. I backed up and looked at Albus with uncertainty. He smiled and nodded gently. I followed the women to a door behind Albus's desk and into the room. It had a bed, a couple bookcases, a giant fireplace, and in front of it were two leather chairs.

After my bath, which Minerva got drenched by accident I might add, I was told to get into the bed. I sat on it until she left. I walked to the fireplace wearing pj's and got down on all fours. I turned in a circle four times before settling down in front of the fire and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke to someone calling my name gently. "Jana... Jana wake up." Came an ancient male voice. My eyes flew open as I got up on all fours growling. Once I saw it was just Albus, I quickly stopped growling and stood. "Sorry." I said. He waved it off and handed me a tray of food which I scarfed down quickly. "Now I will be tutoring you so you can catch up to the other 3rd years. Is that alright with you?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright then, lets begin." He said enthusiastically.

Albus tutored me all summer until I was finally caught up. I was pretty good at potions in my opinion. Minerva took me to a magic shopping market with thousands of shops. We got all the required items except for a wand and books from some guy named Gilderoy Lockheart. We walked into Flourish and Blotts and saw that a massive book signing was going on. I grabbed the required books while Minerva waited outside, something about how she couldn't stand 'air heads'. I walked up to the counter with the money she had given me. I was paying for them when I heard someone walking up behind me but what I had noticed first was the strong stench of hair gel and the nauseating smell of expensive clone. I had to force myself not to gag. "Well isn't it your lucky day?" Came an overly charismatic male voice. I took the bag from the guy at the registered and turned around. The guy that spoke only a few moments ago had dirty blond hair that was up in a fancy pony tail. He was wearing expensive clothes and well... over all he seemed like a pompous idiot. "Excuse me." I said as I tried to go around him but he blocked my path. I looked up and met his blue eyed gaze. "I'm sorry but you do know who I am, right?" He asked. "No, know I'm very busy so you must excuse me." I said trying to walk around him only to have him block my path again. "Gilderoy Lockheart, at your service, my lovely lady." He said as he went for my hand only to have me move it away from him. "That's nice and all but I have to be going." I said feeling a bit more annoyed. I moved left and then went right when he tried to block my path yet again. I walked out with his gaze on my back.

"What took you so long?" Asked Minerva. "Some pompous idiot that tried to make a move on me." I answered. I could have sworn I saw her scowl but shook it off as we arrived at a shop called Olivanders. I walked in by myself. An old guy stood at the counter with three rectangular boxes, as if he was waiting for me. "Finally, Miss Vilkas! Come try this one." He got to the point quickly as he opened the box to reveal a wolf headed handle with a black shaft and a silver tip. "Elm, dragon heartstring core, 18 inches." He said as he put it in her hand. It grew warm and gold sparks flew out of the end. I paid for it and left the shop.


I sat in the compartment feeling very antsy and excited, not for school but for the moon. I grew restless as I got up and started pacing, I was already in my school uniform. I growled as I wished the train would hurry. Finally the train stopped. I didn't have a trunk so I just ran off the train. I shook slightly as the black veins popped up on my hands. I shoved them in my robe pockets as I tried to calm myself down. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I grabbed the persons hand and was about to break it when I turned and saw a huge man. I quickly let it go. The man didn't pay any mind to my edgy nature. "You must be Miss Vilkas. Professor Dumbledore told me 'ter tell ya to take a carriage up to the castle." He said and turned and walked away. I looked toward the Carriages and saw how slow they moved. I growled and ran toward the castle, which was much faster. I made it to the doors before the first carriage arrived.

I was made to stand outside the hall for a few minutes despite everyone being seated already. I was finally called in and I wasted no time. I walked up to the stool and sat. Many people whispered while looking toward me but I caught the gaze of a dark haired boy with round glasses and a lightning scare. He wouldn't stop staring at me. I finally looked away when a hat was put on my head. 'Interesting... My first Wolf Blood!... hmmmm brave, courageous yet sly and cunning with a short temper...interesting...' It spoke in my mind causing me to become impatient. 'Hurry up, hat or I will rip you to shreds.' I growled in my mind. I could almost sense it smirk. 'You obviously belong in one house.' He said. Then he spoke out loud. "Slytherin!" It shouted causing a table to jump up screaming with glee. I looked at Albus and he nodded. I took off the hat and ran past the tables and out the giant doors.

I made it deep into the forest when I felt the shift begin. I got to my knees as I shifted into a wolf. I looked up at the moon and howled as loud as I could. I ran threw the forest feeling more alive then I had ever.

I heard the leaves crunch before I saw who it was. I got up on all fours from the place I awoke and growled. I stopped when I saw it was Albus. I stood up and dusted the leaves off of me. "I guessed you would be here." He said. I looked around and saw we were at the edge of the forest. He flicked his wand and I was clean again. He handed me a bag of my supplies for the day. I slugged it over my shoulder as he handed me a piece of raw beef which I gobbled down. "Now if you run you will make your first class." I nodded, thanked him and ran for potions class.

Severus and The Lone Wolf Blood (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now