~{ Chapter 3 }~

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Woah thanks for actually reading this!
I'm probably going to be bad with updating since writing isn't really my thing. That being said, enjoy!!!
Also, I don't own the image


With The Doctor

'Well, here we are' said Jeremy as he pointed to a large and sturdy metal door. It had multiple dent marks coming from the inside of the room. Written on it in large blocky writing was "PARTS AND SERVICES".

[I wonder why they would need an entire room dedicated to parts, it only seems to be a small restaurant. I haven't noticed any big mechanical creations...] thought The Doctor as they opened the door to step inside.

Jeremy flicked the light switch, the room had a dull light that constantly flickered - They would need to replace that bulb. It was strange though, all the other areas of the restaurant were well lit and didn't seem to lack electricity.

The room looked as though it was part of another building all together. Once the bulb readied itself poor Jeremy seemed to jump in fright. He lead The Doctor inside yet as he did so, continued to eye the destroyed Chica. 'Could've sworn it.... No, it probably just fell.' muttered Jeremy whilst The Doctor whipped out his sonic screwdriver.

He {Wait, should I be using they/them pronouns due to The Doctor now being female???} proceeded to scan the entire room and accordingly a brilliant little green glow appeared. The Doctor soon realised he had confuzzled Jeremy therefore responded with, 'Magic wand.' Jeremy only nodded and yawned

'These are robots, Huh? Interesting, interesting. How long have they been here?' Asked The Doctor. 'Well, they've been here since I worked here-' He quickly glanced at The Doctor before looking round the room at the destroyed Freddy, Chica and Bonnie, 'I'm more of a new employee you may want to ask the phone guy...' The Doctor just nodded 'Anyway, I need to go my shift is ending now.' He mumbled as he scuttled out of the now even darker room.

Following Jeremy
'Alright, don't forget to punch yer card and you're free to leave.' Said the man through the bright red phone. 'Yeah, yeah.... I s'ppose I'll be hearing from you tonight?' asked Jeremy 'You sure will! See ya then!' the phone made a long beep signifying the man on the opposite line to Jeremy had hung up.

From what The Doctor could tell, the room was separated into two areas. It only seemed to be a small partition wall. On the other side of it were multiple old arcade machines; some with missing buttons, broken screens, missing panels and so on. As well as them sat an extremely destroyed animatronic, in the dull light it seemed to be some sort of brown dog, perhaps a kangaroo. A massive chunk of its torso part was missing and it had what appeared to be an eye patch on its face.

'Now what are you then' The Doctor said as he knelt down scanning it with his sonic screwdriver. He read it and let out a 'Huh? Ohhh... Wait.. No, that wouldn't be, would, maybe? Any-hoo, I'll leave you here!' he said as he skipped out of the room, off to find Amy and Rory.

I hope that was alright..
Anyways, have a nice evening/ night/ morning/ day.
Also please let me know what I can improve on :D

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