The Twins are born

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It's been now 6 years after their secret wedding and the big announcement that Himawari was pregnant with Inojin's babies. The two now four, are living peacefully in a new house far away from Konohagakure .

-Somewhere at the willows in nature..

"Mama ," a little boy with short dark blue hair and light blue eyes , called his Mom desperately..

"Mama !!?" this time a little girl with long ash blonde hair shouted together with her twin brother for their
Mom...still no response.
"Where could Mama be " asked the little girl
"I don't know ...Mama !!!!??? " he screamed his lounges out

Suddenly a woman's name approaches....
"I am here, I'm here " she ran to them
"Mama ...hungry  "  they told her
"Ito , Hisa breakfast will be ready in 5 min , please prepare the dishes for the food ,ok my sweet honeyfleakes"
"Ok Mama" so they went to the kitchen and pulled out the dishes...
"Huh  Inojin must be still sleeping " she sighs again that sleep head could help her too with those kids , I mean he was the who pregnant her at such a young age , well....
"Did anyone just call my name "
"Daddy " the kids ran to him and sprung up to him
" aha morning my my sweet seasame buns , have u slept well "
"YES" Ito screamed happy
"Not me " Hisa responded quietly
"Why not sweety " Inojin huged his little daughter
"I had a nightmare ! "
" A nightmare ? What kind of nightmare ? Tell me "
"There was a big big monster in your room and he tried to eat you ,!!!" She showed it with her movements
"Ohh ...well honey that wasn't monster you've heard last night it was..."
" Inojin !!! NO not in front of the kids " Himawari interrupted him quickly
"OH , I forgot damn it " Inojin came to his mind again 
"If it wasn't a monster what was it then " Hisa asked
" Yeah I want to know too " Ito joined too
"Well it was..ehh..well *microwave sound * uhhh kids breakfast is ready!"
"Yayy " they rushed to their seats
Himawari placed their food to their plates and they started to eat ...
Meanwhile Inojin is still amazed how his wife manages to distract them from other things to another...

-After breakfast , the kids went outside

So Inojin found the perfect moment to ask his wife something
"Sunflower" that's what he calls her sometimes
"Yes baby " she finished her last dish
"How do you manage to keep our kids away from private things ?"
"Haha actually I do nothing you know" she laughed a bit
"Wait what " he was speechless

" Baby they're kids they forget about things really fast " "so if u say what happened yesterday at 2 pm while eating candy they'll give you a "I don't know tell me " answer

"Ohh I see it now " Inojin now understands what she meant
"OK anyway any plans for today ?" She asked
"Well actually since it's sunday , a free day why not going at the beach , I mean it's sunny the weather is good "
He suggested
"That's good I'll tell them ok " she went outside to inform her kids the day they'll spend

-2 hours later
"Ok guys are you ready " Inojin asked them
"Yes we are " they responded
"Why do sound like those family types , who look very happy just because they're sitting in the car " himawari asked him
"I really have no idea " he gave her a short answer
"Anyway let's go " he drove them to the beach and spend the whole day just relaxing and having fun

The end

A/N : Yeah I mean it's short but here it is 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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