Chapter 10 | Bully Me No More

Start from the beginning

"What is this?"

"It's the banner we're going to hang behind your table. It'll be great marketing so people know exactly who made the delicious sweets they'll be gobbling down all night."

I blink at Mara, hand going to my chest. "You didn't have to do that."

"Of course I did," She grins. "You deserve it. You've helped so much these past couple of weeks and we all know you should be getting way more recognition than you do. It only took an hour of my time."

"Thank you so much." I throw my arms around her in a hug that she immediately returns. When I pull away I look around at the rest of the team, all of whom are smiling fondly at me. "I can't believe this is the last meeting. I'm really going to miss you guys. Oh! Which reminds me."

I hold up the box in my hand and open it up, presenting a line of homemade chocolate chip cookies that have been frosted to read THANK YOU BITCHES. A round of cheers ring out and everyone grabs one, helping themselves.

I made a point to bring them treats every week since they're doing me such a huge favour. The extra use of ingredients has put a little damper on my savings and I should probably watch how much I'm spending but I've been worrying about money for two months. I just want to stop worrying for a second, and now I have the payment from catering to fall back on for a while. I'm still not getting many customers but for once I want to stop worrying about that too. I'll deal with it all when I have to. Not the smartest type of adulting but maybe this is why adults are always miserable. I'm tired of always being miserable.

The rest of the hour whizzes by. Since we're more or less done planning everything I need, we goof off instead. Just sharing stories and cracking up. It's something I missed having these past two months in San Francisco where I've been so alone. I can be socially awkward but I enjoy good company and these people are so, totally it. Holden doesn't realize how lucky he is to have such awesome people working for him. Instead he stays holed up in his office like the workaholic he is and refuses to have any fun. I mean, I guess this company is number one in state because Holden runs a tight ship as one of the partners, but he should really loosen up some.

And speak of the devil, a sudden hush falls over the room when I hear the door open behind me. Based on the reaction of everyone in here, I'm guessing it's Holden. The box of cookies is taken away, chairs are straightened out, and laptops are opened back up. I glance behind me and my eyes lock with Holden's, who looks p-i-s-s-e-d pissed. He glowers at the way I have my legs kicked up on the round table and don't bother setting them down like everyone else.

"Did we schedule some kind of party that I'm not aware of?" He demands. His voice is low and controlled and everyone's eyes go downcast with guilt and fear. Even I can't deny the way the hair at the back of my neck stands up. "I could hear you all the way down in my office. You are still on the job so either get your work done or pack your shit and leave. What's it going to be?"

Wow. Harsh, much? I'll admit, we got a little too rowdy there and should probably get back to work, but he didn't have to say it like that. He notices the way I'm frowning at him and I think that makes him angrier because his glower deepens.

"Sierra, your final meeting was today. What are you still doing here?"

My mouth parts. Seriously? What the hell is he being so rude for? I gesture at the room. "I was just talking to them—"

"This is a workplace; not a social gathering. Talk to them on your own time but not while they're on the job and working for me. You're obviously done here so pack up and get going."

Mother. Fucker. My lips pinch with incredulity but his face doesn't budge an inch. Before I know it the both of us are glaring at each in a silent-standoff and every pair of eyes is on us, watching curiously. Holden's jaw pulses. My nostrils flare. His hand on the doorknob tightens. My fingers curl into my palms. Then his dark eyes narrow and the warning in them is so clear, I wouldn't put it past him to kick me out if he wanted.

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