The Dissapointment

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"You... Know?"
Sam asked, honestly more confused then he had been since 'mystery spot'!

"Of course I do, Sam! Look around you, me and Dean had been friends for a long time, but do you really think this would ever happen?" Cas waved his finger dramatically when he bolded 'this', he took a sigh and continued- "This must be hell for you, you should just let me di-"

Sam cut him off, horrified. Then continued;
"How would I ever do that? I know Dean doesn't show it but he's worried sick! I know how love is Castiel, were looking for you right now! You can't die, your my friend to!"


"And this is more painful to see you in a 'perfect world' then anything. But we have told you before, your not worthless, and dying to have your 'dream' won't change any values!"

Cas basically yelled, slamming his fist to the table, Sammy slowly backed away from Cas, not wanting to be punched today.

Djinn Dean looked at the two, but didn't give too much attention.

"Sam, don't talk like that. This is confusing that I am not in heaven-
But that's not what I want.
All I want is..."
Cas trailed off as he stared at the Dean and sighed and smiled dreamily.
"A perfect life with Dean..."

Sam rolled his eyes, he needed to get Cas out!

9 hours...

"Cas, he's a fake! He isn't your-"

"What's a fake?"
Dean asked as he walked back with the waitress and the food.
"Thank you, pretty."
Dean platonically thanked the girl as he sat down with the two shocked boys.

"Is everything okay with you both? You look like you saw a ghost!" Dean chuckled and bit into his burger.

Sam growled as he let his hand slowly wrap around his table knife.

The Djinn Dean looked Sammy up and down, then looked confused in his state-

3 hours

Cas asked as well, his voice tightening.

"We didn't see any ghost- more like a..."
Sam grabbed the knife and stabbed into Dean full force, as the room started to change, Cas was screaming at Sam to stop-


The room was dark, but low lights and medicine hook ups sprawled across the room. The images were flickering until settled-
Dean was puking blood, gasping on the floor, doubled over from the knife stab to the stomach.


Cas was horrified, and ran over to 'Dean', almost knocking Sam over. Sam groaned and rolled his eyes;
"Oh, Cut it out, Djinn! Castiel is leaving- and you can fuck off now."

Cas held the Dean in his arms as he helped him up.
Castiel asked concerned.

The Djinn responded, still in the form of Dean.
"But just the same."

"No! Cas don't be stupid! He can't be anything close to Dean! Your D-"
Sam was cut off by the Djinn speaking up,
"Of course I can! I'm him, I know it all from the little observer here..."
He cooed, petting Castiel's head. The Djinn fixed himself up, standing tall beside Cas.


"Sam, you should have stayed away! Why would he ever go? He only has half an hour now to choose..." The Djinn slithered almost tempting the both.

Cas looked in confusion and fear, striking the puppy eyes at the Djinn (fake Dean),
"Half an hour? Why that? What happens when...?"
Castiel trailed off, thinking a but until the Djinn awnsered;
"Till you die."

Cas stayed silent, confusingly looking at the Dean, squinting.

"Cas, please. I know how fast time moves in real life compared to here, you could live your whole life, but you have to listen! You can't!"

The Djinn chuckled;
"That's right! Look..."

Walking down the hallway of the warehouse, Cas saw his brother, Gabe, and all of his other ones, Bobby, people he could have described as friends, and Claire. Why was Claire there?
'Oh.' Castiel thought. He honestly wished he could have given her the father she always needed and wanted. But he took her father away, he saw everything the way he would have wanted it.
Who cares if he died? After 1,000's of years living, what's so wrong with taking a break for this? Would Dean even-

Castiel was broken from his thoughts as he saw him and Sam turn to the same voice.


Dean. The real Dean.

The image of Dean running around in the warehouse was sort of foggy, almost like a ghost.

Cas tried to call out along with Sam, but he ran pass them, and saw him shaking a figure hooked up to a railing, being drained by a hospital walk-able monitor. The figure was Castiel's. He was dying.

"CAS! Oh, god..."
Dean was shaking, trying to unhook him as fast a he could.

The room began to go fuzzier as Sam stared at Cas, he prayed Dean would get him out.

"No! Dean stop!"
Cas seed to have his head scream at the real Dean, as he started to feel the pain from his hook up enter his body, and Sam was vanishing, he knew he was waking up. This was going to be over...

Cas bolted over to the djinn, holding on and crying, burying his face in its chest;
"Oh no, please! Please don't let him take me. I-I want to have Dean, I just want something to be right! I... Don't let him save me. Oh my... Fuck, please d-don't...

I don't want to be free this time..."

Just then, Cas began to scream, but he couldn't. Things were dark. He saw very little. He felt pain, almost paralyzed- foam at the sides of his mouth. Jolts throughout his entire being.
His eyes began to flicker open, and he felt like he was falling, but then caught, in a soft but sturdy surface. When he could see he only saw;

Big green eyes, freckles, and a leather jacket.

The Djinn (Destiel tragedy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя