The Hunger Games vs Star Wars Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Old Sins, Long Shadows

The doors hissed open as the Grand Inquisitor strode into the room. In the meditation

chamber, three other Inquisitors sat cross legged in their seats, concentrating fiercely in order to increase their prowess in combat. Their eyes opened and they stood up in anticipation for the news he would deliver them.

"Our attempt to secure District Seven failed," he reported with bitter disappointment. "The Mockingjay and her allies have proven resilient once again."

The four agents of Darth Vader mused over this silently. A week had passed since their ambush at District Seven, but even then the news was not any less infuriating.

"So what is our next move?" the Seventh Sister asked curiously.

"If what I've sensed is correct, the Jedi forces will soon attempt an attack here on District One!" the Fifth Brother added,

"Yes, I sensed that as well," the Grand Inquisitor replied. "Another opportunity for us to kill the Mockingjay and eliminate the last of their hope."

"And what of Shadow Soldier?" the Eighth Brother inquired. "He would no doubt take the Mockingjay's place and simply revive their morale."

"Then both of them must fall," the Seventh Sister asserted.

"Correct," the Grand Inquisitor replied. "I will notify Agent Kallus to put our forces in Protection Condition Bravo and stay on high alert. Meanwhile, continue your training regimen."

They bowed their heads in obedience, and the Grand Inquisitor turned on his heel as he strode from the room. Walking through the station's hallways, he turned several corners before arriving at the Intel Operations Room. Agent Kallus and Bo-Katan came to attention when he walked in.

"Good afternoon, Grand Inquisitor," Agent Kallus greeted. "As of now nothing to report."

"Not now yes, but I came here to inform you that our forces here must be put into high alert immediately," the Grand Inquisitor instructed sternly. "Protection Condition Charlie Bravo."

"We will attend to that promptly, Grand Inquisitor." Bo-Katan assured him.

As the Grand Inquisitor departed the room, Bo-Katan and Kallus exchanged a worried but determined glance. Bo-Katan nodded to him, and Kallus went to a hidden room under the station while she initiated the call for the ISSE forces in District One. Agent Kallus knew doing this would mean death, but he did not care. After the many years he'd witnessed of the Empire wreaking death and destruction on the innocent as opposed to bringing the order and peace they'd promised when he enlisted, he could no longer in good conscience blindly follow their will.

The door to the underground storage room opened, and he checked to see if anyone had followed before ducking inside and locking the door. Keying the encrypted transmitter, he prepared his next report.


Clone Sergeant Hunter woke from his sleep and wiped the morning dew off his helmet before shoving it onto his head. Around him, the rest of his squad, Clone Force 99, rose from their sleep and hastily inspected their gear before donning their helmets. Shadow Soldier, the one leading them on their Field Stealth exercise, strapped his lightsaber to his grenade belt and directed them with hand signals to hastily scan the perimeter before they took their field packs and moved to the next point. They nodded in understanding, executed his orders and soon they were slogging through the swamps near District Seven in their reconnaissance mission that doubled as a training exercise.

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