The Hunger Games vs Star Wars Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"The civilian population will be at risk." Finick reminded them, with a concerned look on his

face. Unfortunately, they did not have a choice, as Anakin expressed.

"We have to be willing to do what it takes to win," Anakin replied, "I don't like it either, but we

have to have the courage to take the Peacekeepers and Sith head-on."

"I agree. Let's do this." Ahsoka piped up. Nobody argued this time...they knew her master was

right. They had to do this.

"It's decided then," Koin stated with authority, and gave the orders. "Cody and Rex, you will lead

the diversionary attack and bombardment on the front. Katniss, Gale, Finick and Petta, you will accompany our battalion that will land behind the district."

"Acknowledged, Koin." Cody and Rex said, saluting.

"Anakin, you, Ahsoka and I will lead the assault on the rear flank of District Six's defenders."

Obi-Wan said, "Under no circumstances will we harm any civilians. Is that understood?"

"Yes master." Anakin replied, "Ahsoka, get the fighter and bomber squadrons ready. Also, see

how many gunship squadrons are available to escort our troop transports."

"You got it, Master." she replied, and dashed off to do her job.

"Let's get ready, guys." Petta said, and they all dispersed from the room to do their tasks. Katniss

hoped this would work...or she didn't know what might happen.


"Red Leader to Leviathan Gunship Squadron, we are closing in on the left walls of District

Six. Ready when you are." Gale heard him say over the republic gunship's radio. He stood in the troop bay of a gunship now, one of the gunships in the squadron of twelve escorting the eight SWR Troop Transporters. His face was serene, but inside, his adrenaline was racing like a waterfall. He knew there would be many casualties...and possibly he might even lose some of his friends. Petta...maybe Katniss or Finick...

He pushed those thoughts aside. He had his orders. He was a soldier. He had to do what had

been asked of him. He had dealt with Peacekeepers before.

The republic gunship's pilot acknowledged Red Leader. "Sir yes sir, we are closing in on our

objective now. They have not spotted us due to our high altitude. We will tell you when we've

met our objective."

"Roger, Leviathan Leader. Red Squadron out." Gale heard him say, and then there was silence.

He looked to Katniss, who was riding in the gunship with him. "You ready?" he asked.

"As I'll ever be. It's like the first games all over again, only a real battle this time." she answered.

Gale nodded and understood. Then he turned to the New Republic trooper squad in the gunship

gunship with them. They snapped to attention.

"Alright men, this is it!" he began, with an iron, no-nonsense tone of voice. "This is our objective:

We land with our legion. We attack. We breakthrough the walls and kill all Peacekeepers and other enemy troops on sight. If you see any civilians, do not harm them, set your gun to stun. We leave the broadcasting station in the center intact. Am I clear?" he finished.

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