Author's Note

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Thank you everyone for the supportive comments, questions and likes for this story! Unfortunately it's been discontinued.

I'm going to remake it as a different series that'll take awhile to get up, as this wasn't the way I wanted the plot to go and I added to many characters right now to keep track of. I plan to make the group smaller, change a lot of what's already been in the plot and more.

The new book should be up soon, in the next week or two for sure.

My apologies for cutting it short like this! I just realized I had to many people, to much plot holes and it wasn't how I wanted it going right now. I plan to completely redo my Oc's character, and add more development to the lesser characters I'll be putting in.

Also the trope about these stories, with Dumbledore also being evil and some Weasley's being bad bugged me. I wanted to add my own twist to it. So they'll be getting redone as well.

Thank you again for the love and support you've shown this story!

Stay safe and keep your wands up.

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