Company picnic

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During their private tour of the robotics lab at enterprise. Yeji heary beats out of her chest when lia walks in on Ryujin and her in a rather compromising position.

Lia, what are you doing here? And why is yuna calling you?-Ryujin said
She was looking for you . Do I even want to know what you two were up to ?-lia said mad
We are just cleaning-yeji said
Cleaning. That's what you're going with-lia said mad
We don't need to explain ourselves to you ,Lia . Did you finish the press releases for the Milan beach?- Ryujin ask mad
I've been a little busy, but apparently I'm not the only one - lia continue getting more mad
Enough . If you have something to say, say it. If not , then get back to work- Ryujin said

Lia storm toward the exit but pause at the door.

I almos forgotten. Yuna had a message for you, yeji. She said since you are doing this office your today ,you should come to the company picni this weekend - lia said still mad
Really? I though she wanted me fired-yeji said
It's probably a keep your enemies closer type of thing. She already told my mom and dad about the invite so they're expecting you to be there - lia said

Lia walk out of the lab without a second glance .ryujin sighs and turns to you.

Yeji, are you okay?- Ryujin ask
Ryujin I can handle Lia . I'm not worried about her. It's not like she actually saw anything incriminating -yeji said

Ryujin nods, her eyes searching yeji expresion

You don't have to one to the picnic , you know -ryujin said
If you think it bed I don't- yeji said as she move away but ryujin reaches out to put a hand on yeji arm. Yeji turn toward her , but Avert her eyes from hers.

That not what I meant. I want you there. Against my better instinct ... I always want you wherever I am-Ryujin said
Okay then . I'll be there - yeji said

Finally the day of the company picnic arrives . Yeji rifle through her things trying to find the right  outfit

Okay I give up. I have no idea what to wear to something like this - yeji said to herself

As if I'm cue , she head the layering of feet running down the hallway . Yeji turn just in time to see mason and Mickey appear  at her door , holding a bag that's as big as they are.

Yeji!! We got you something!-Mickey said
Mom said we could suprised you with something for the picnic -mason said
Did she now ?- yeji said

Yeji open the bag to find a cute, summery outfit .

What do you think? - yeji said smilling
No idea! We don't know anything about fashion-  mickey said happy
But you seem to like it, so we do too- mason said

Yeji laugh as she wrap them both in a big hug, they hug her back then someone knocks on the door.

Yeji have you seen the boys- Ryujin could finished because she was interrupted
Mom,look! Yeji wearing the outfit we picked out!- mason said happy
Oh look......nice -Ryujin said
Just nice ?- yeji said

Ryujin glance over the twins then drops her voice to a husky whisper so only Yeji can hear .

Definitely no just nice ,but I'm trying to be good-Ryujin said
I think I like you better when you let yourself be bad -yeji said smilling
Rigth is everyone ready to go? Ryujin ask
I am!-mason said

When yeji arrive at Central Park, the sun is High and a pleasant breeze wafts  over the ground ,but the boys are still dragging behind yeji and ryujin.

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