Headcannons George and Josh

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I am doing an otp questions/headcannons cos I'm bored. I will be doing it for all of them so enjoy I guess. Some I pinched off Pinterest but some I made myself. I am writing this as if this is a Ghibli film. I am romanticising the small things. I am not sure if that makes sense. I feel like some of these have the sparkle filter on them.

Holding hands
They were walking down the streets of London getting to the tube station on their way to convent garden, Josh grabs George's hand and pulls him along to catch the underground. They sit on the train still holding hands and when they get off at the stop.

Cuddling somewhere
They were sat on the sofa watching Guardians of the Galaxy. George was on Josh's lap, arms around his neck, legs across his lap. The popcorn bowl empty and forgotten on the coffee table. Josh mumbling things into George's hair. Sometimes placing kisses on the top of his head. George leaning up to kiss him softly before laying his head on Josh's chest.

They were sat on the sofa in the living room consoles in hand, talking shit about each other. Josh laying in George's lap one hand absentmindedly playing with Josh's hair as the game loaded.

On a date
It was a warm spring day in the middle of April Josh had suggested that they go on a picnic date. George had made up food, a punnets of fruit, baguettes with butter and cheese, sausage rolls, pastries and wine. They sit down in Central Park (London).

Soft kisses everywhere, all the time. Soft pecks whilst cooking, watching something, recording. Like George would be minding his own business and Josh would come along and kiss his forehead, cheeks, lips. Not that George minded.

Wearing each other's clothes
Josh was visiting George as he walked in he found George in his favourite hoodie. George turns around to greet his boyfriend smiling. "hey that's my hoodie"
"Oops I guess I didn't notice"
"It'd fine baby, you look cute in my clothes anyway."

Watching a film
They picked Kiki's Delivery Service (my absolute favourite Ghibli film ever). They watched it with subtitles in Japanese. They spent a lot of time throwing popcorn at each other and trying to catch it in their mouths. Completely missing parts and having to run it back.

Food shopping was a nightmare due to the fact that they both eat like 11yr olds. However they do get the normal things like fruit and vegetables despite the constant complaints of "we won't eat it" and "it'll go off before we eat it." I think you get the picture.
Clothes shopping was something Josh enjoyed, George not so much he didn't hate it but there are only so many black t shirts and gym shorts/joggers to be purchased.

Hanging out with friends
Whenever they hung out with the boys it was normally for drinks and a night in playing Fifa. They didn't mind everyone was comfy and sat in "their" seats. It would rotate flats depending on who was in and who had had a noise complaint most recently.

Josh - he was more protective of George so when he felt jealous it would be if someone was getting very touchy with George and he would go and sling an arm across George's shoulders and say something along the lines of "hey babe, you ok?"
George - he would get a whiney sort of jealous so he would go and sit on Josh's lap and hold on to him in a possessive manner.

Watching a TV show
They would start a TV show together and vow to finish it together and sometimes it worked out other times it didn't. They would curl up on the sofa sometimes falling asleep.

Making out
It would start out as a sweet kiss then getting deeper and more desperate. Soon enough Josh would be leaving hickeys on every area of exposed skin and George would be in his lap forehead on his shoulder letting out laboured and heavy breaths. At some point t shirts and hoodies had been discarded whatever had been the main focus forgotten the boys only thinking of the other in that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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