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Amidst the babble of the busy, bustling crowd it was almost impossible to make anything out. Or maybe it was just her nerves crackling so loud she couldn't hear a word. Whatever it was, Karma hadn't planned for her day to start off like this.

" What . No way," she denied immediately and her agent flinched at the cold rejection.

Just opposite to her sat Shiota with all the vigor of a weeping willow, head low and eyes practically glued to the Thermos she held. If not for the occasional sips of the warm drink (Karma knew it was warm because of the wisps of steam that followed) and the flickering bashful glances, Karma would've mistaken her for a lifeless doll.

No matter how doll-like she looked, Karma really wasn't interested on dating her. Not like this. Not when she was being cornered by all odds into accepting the one alternative she had to salvage her reputation. Karma'd like to find love at her own pace. People did say love was found in the most mysterious of places. Though Karma wasn't sure of her own ability to find love in someone she really used to hate.

It was a thing of the past, and she still cringed remembering how she'd treated Shiota. Karma really hoped that this fake dating could at the very least lead to some sort of recovery in their very rocky… acquaintanceship. The media always did portray her as the epitome of mercy itself. If not, then it was Shiota's loss.

"Akabane san," her agent hissed, her words only audible to Karma, "please cooperate with me. Your reputation is at stake."

It was astonishing enough as it was, with Shiota being the only woman willing to date her. All the others were simply not interested or just plain terrified at the thought of jeopardizing their own status. Karma really didn't blame them, but she was more surprised by Shiota's agreement than cross at other women's choices.

There was no catch, except for the fact that she was only a tad bit more famous than Shiota was. Maybe she was in for the popularity boost it would give if it worked. Though it was a highly risky publicity stunt, and Karma knew that Shiota surely couldn't be that dumb. Or could she?

"Alright." She agreed begrudgingly, letting them know of her discontentment with an overly loud exhale, and Shiota's agent finally set himself to motion.

"I'm glad you came to an agreement, Akabane san. Am I free to assume that you don't have second thoughts, Nagisa san?" He spoke to her like he'd known her more than a client and the motionless Shiota came to life with a quick nod.

Her eyes were finally on something other than the table or the Thermos, and they were staring directly at Karma now. "Yeah, I'm sure." She smiled slightly- a smile too practiced to be genuine- with an edge, "Let's work together, Akabane san."

"Wonderful. We have an agreement then." Shiota's agent clapped his hands together and her own seemed pleased. "We'll keep this up until the scandal dwindles."

Karma barely wanted to be reminded of 'the scandal'. News had been circulating about that one moment Karma kissed the director's assistant for fun (that too on the cheek!), and how that one kiss apparently stripped Karma off the rightful label of a lesbian. The journalists- those greedy carrion feeders- jumped in the second they caught the news with all sorts of speculation. Karma had never hated the media so much.

All Fun and Games Till Somebody Falls in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now