Chapter One

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i hate naming chapter titles so it's just gonna be One, Two, Three. a lil boring but i'm not the most creative person.

also i'm not a HARDCORE stalker fan, so this is just gonna be an AU, i don't actually know the exact details about their meeting.

i don't have discord and i don't play minecraft online because it lags for me and my old phone so if i use the wrong term don't attack me


Dream was bored. 

Clicking on and off servers like he was flipping through a book, trying to find his spot. 

He clicked on one and saw that he was the only one in the server, apart from a player called Georgenotfound. 

Something told him to type in the chat a discord link. It belonged to a server that he'd created months ago. His plan was to add his best friends to it. 

It was still empty. 

Suddenly there was a "Hello?" on the discord and Dream sat straight up. "Hi."


Awkward pause. 

"I like your accent," Dream said stupidly, trying to fill the silence. "Where're you from?"

"Well I'm not French."


Dream felt embarrassed until he heard giggles from the other guy. Georgenotfound was laughing at him.

"I was teasing you, you can laugh."


Stop saying oh, Dream reprimanded himself, but for some reason it made George laugh harder. 

"And you're probably from America?"


"That sucks."


"Cus friendships are always hard to keep up if they're in different countries."

Dream felt himself grin. "Friendships?"

"Well, yes," George said. "I mean of course unless you don't want to, but you sent me a discord link, so I just-"

"No no no, I do wanna be friends."

"Great, then," George said, and Dream could hear him smiling. In the MineCraft world, Dream could see Georgenotfound squatting and then standing repeatedly. "My friends are gonna come on soon, they're pretty cool if you want to join our shared discord."

"Sure," Dream said, getting excited and wiggling in his chair. 

There was a pause, George sent the link, Dream typed it in, and then he heard a conversation stop.

"Hello?" Said someone. 

"George, you muffinhead, did you add another stranger? He keeps doing this, he thinks it's the funniest thing-"

Dream went cold for a moment, but then George intervened-

"No, this time's different, he's cool. He's gonna play with us."

Dream giggled against his will. "He'S gOnNa PlAy WiTh Us. Are we five?"

"George is," said the first person, snickering. 

"Shut up Sapnap," George muttered, but he was still grinning through his voice.

"Snapmap?" Dream said. "Is that your name?"

There was a pause.

"Snapmap?!" Sapnap said, pretending to be offended. Or maybe he was offended and Dream just couldn't read him yet. 

"Chill Sapsnap," said the last one, who's mic was a little quieter than the others'. "Dream, have you ever done a speedrun before?"

"A few times," Dream said. "But I'm not that good."

"Neither are we," George said. "Don't worry."



Dream giggled. "How do you not?"

"We've only been playing for five minutes," George said, awed. 

"I thought you said you weren't that good," Badboyhalo said. "You muffinhead."

Dream was holding back giggles as he finished up the nether portal. "You guys coming?"


"You having fun?" George said. 

Dream looked to see what chat he was in at the moment - it was the private one, with just him and George.

"Yeah," Dream said. "Halo and Snapmap are really cool."

George giggled. "We're going to play tomorrow, too. Want to join?"

"If you guys let me," Dream said.

"Why wouldn't we?" George asked. "You're pretty cool Dream."

"You're pretty cool too George."

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