Chapter 2: "Cute."

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Fun facts about me:
Im a Cancerian!
Im an African American female.
I love Red cause it is bae ;)

And that is all for now.

(Also my f key is  being a BITCH so some words that require f in it may or may not have that f)

Rose's are red
Cacti are prickly
Everyone is here to see that
This may escalate quickly

                              -Inspired by Wattpad comments on other stories



Meliodas Pov:

"I- I, uh, th-th-thanks," Ban said while walking to the kitchen. I assume that he's going in there to collect himself from what I said.

I wonder what Zeldris and Estarossa are doing because they were supposed to come half an hour ago. Oh well, I guess I'll just call them and ask. In the meantime, I shall go mess with King, or maybe go make ban all flustered for no reason at all, but first im gonna go talk to Elaine.

I start walking over to Elaine, but I stop at a halt when I realize that Ban and Elaine are talking with each other outside, I don't wanna eavesdrop or anything, but I heard my name so I have rights.

Third Person POV:

"And he said 'Nice Ass' Ban this could be a breakthrough in you and Meliodas relationship!" Elaine whispered-yelled at Ban. "But what if doesn't feel the same and he just said that to be nice, plus he's still dating Elizabeth so I really have no chance," Ban stated sadly. "First of all, if he doesn't feel the same get him to" she stops for a brief second then continues "And second of all, Elizabeth is nothing but a backstabbing whore who doesn't deserve Meliodas once so ever" She finished. "Wow Elaine, what a mood change, first you went from 'Stop being so jealous' to 'Backstabbing whore' what happened?" Ban said a little taken aback by her mood change. "I caught her sleeping with my boyfriend, Carlos," She said with her voice gravely.

"Wait he cheated on you!?" Ban said fuming. "Y-yeah---" Elaine had cut herself off, "I think someone is listening to our conversation, lets cut this short, we'll tall later, Kay?"  She stated "Okay, see you later Elaine," Ban said waving to her as she floated away to her house. 'I really hope no one was actually listening, because that'll be bad' Ban thought to himself as he walked back in the Boar Hat to start Cooking.

Meliodas hurried and went back inside of the tavern, and started pouring drinks to make it seem as he had heard nothing.
'Elizabeth had cheated on me twice great, now I have to break up with a woman- no whore who I thought loved me. I can't believe I even told her that 'You are the only woman I could ever love and who is in my heart' like c'mon, I thought I'd have better judgment than that, but I guess not.' Meliodas had thought to himself, without realizing that tears were streaming down his face.

"Hey Captain, are you okay," asked Diane with a worried expression spread on her face. "No, actually im not, because it turns out the woman I loved whom I thought loved me back, cheated on me twice FUCKING TWICE" He yelled/sobbed making the whole bar full of people turn and look at him, but mainly Ban. "Alright Captain, go upstairs and get some rest we'll take care of the rest for today," Diane said while hugging Meliodas.

Meliodas just sniffled and nodded, then proceeded to head upstairs. Diane headed towards Ban and put a hand on his shoulder "You should go upstairs with him because this is the time where he needs his best friend most" She said with a sad look. Ban said a simple 'Yeah' and went upstairs to check on his best friend/crush. Once he had gotten to his door he mustered up the courage to knock.

"Who is it?" Meliodas said his voice breaking as he said it. "Its Ban." He simply stated with his hand on the doorknob prepared to open it. "Come in". Ban opened the door and headed to towards a heartbroken Meliodas, and sat next to him. "You wanna talk about it 'Capt?". Meliodas had just nodded and began to explain about the first time he had caught Elizabeth cheating on him. After the explanation Ban had one question that he wasn't sure I he should ask, but decided to ask anyway "How did you find out the second time?" Meliodas froze "Wait- I didn't mean to offend you or--or anything I just thought you might wanna talk about it or something." Ban said while frantically waving his hands around, but melodies shushed him and hit him with a counter-question "Is it true that you like me?" Meliodas asked looking at him with an extremely straight face.

Ban opened his mouth then closed it when he heard Meliodas say "And do not lie to me Ban". "Y-yes," he said looking down and fiddling with the ridges of his skirt and rocking slighting left-to-right as if he were ashamed to like him. "You're afraid I might reject you aren't you?" Meliodas said laying against the headboard on his King-Sized bed. "Well y-yeah, you're straight Captain, as the literal definition of a heterosexual!" Ban said not realizing that Meliodas had to change the subject at all. "Ban you can't just go around assuming people's sexuality like that," Meliodas said while shaking his head in slight disappointment, with a smirk on his face. "Okay so you're gay?" Ban said with a 'Really then what' face on. "Im actually bisexual, before Elizabeth I had actually dated three men." He said acting as if it was obvious. Meanwhile, Ban's face was in pure shock. "But, Captain the real question is, are you still going to reject me?." Ban asked thinking the answer to his question was gonna be an obvious no, I mean c'mon Meliodas did not show any attraction towards him besides from 'Nice ass'. "No, but the official relationship thing will have to wait because I still have to break up with Liz." Meliodas had stated.

"Wait, wait, wait, you felt the same when and how!?" Ban asked confused and relieved that the love his life felt the same. "It started when we had broken you out of Baste Prison in season one, and I had realized you had gotten quite a feminine body, and thought you had gotten quite cute." Meliodas shrugged. "What do you mean by season one?" the blue-haired male asked. "Never mind that" The blond had pulled Ban into an extremely heated kiss, but stopped and pulled away with a string of saliva connected to their lips, leaving Ban extremely flustered.

'Cute' Meliodas thought,

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