Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 10: No More Monsters

Start from the beginning

So he's the one who killed my parents!

Little does that do now, seeing as how me and my friends are all about to die.

"Relp, Velma!" Scooby exclaims, inching away from the monsters, scared. "Raphne? Ram? Rean?" none of them answer, since they are all being slowly killed by the Tar Monster. "(F/A/N)? Raggy? (Y/N)?"

"...Scoo...bert..." (F/A/N) barely says.

"Scoob..." Shaggy struggles to sa as the Tar Monster slowly takes its time in killing us.

I feel like my wind pipes are being squeezed. The Tar Monster's tar is making it difficult for me to breath. I don't even know if this means I'm actually going to die. Thankfully, there's still hope when I notice Scooby bumped into a fire extinguisher. He notices it too and smiles, having an idea.

Scooby grabs the extinguisher and uses it on me, (F/A/N) and Shaggy, freezing up the tar. At first, it feels cold, then the Tar Monster's tar breaks like ice. I take in deep breaths, glad to still be alive. Shaggy, (F/A/N) and I all smile at Scooby, happy that he saved our lives.

"Like, frostbite never felt so good!" Shaggy exclaims.

"You said it!" (F/A/N) exclaims, happy.

I know now is not the time, but I can't but laugh, glad that we're still alive.

"Stop them!" the Evil Masked Figure yells out.

The Monsters then start to make the move, going after Scooby.

"Go long, Scoob!" (F/A/N) exclaims.

"Rokay," says Scooby.

While the Tar Monster tries to grab Scooby, Scoob uses the extinguisher, freezing the monster.

"Here, doggy-doggy," the Tar Monster says.

Scooby then ends up in the air, landing on a pipe (don't know what it is), and uses the extinguisher like a skateboard. "Rail ride (rail glide)!" he exclaims, freezing more of the Tar Monster's tar and having the time of his life, making the Tar Monster not pleased. "Roll rarrel (roll barrel)!" Scooby then freezes more of the Tar Monster, making a frozen tower. "rang time (hang time)!"

"Scooby, watch out!" I call out, seeing the Tar Monster move its main body towards Scooby.

"End of the line, Doo!" the Tar Monster exclaims. "Come here, you worthless mutt!"

Scooby just glares at the monster, looking insulted. If there's one thing I know, it's that you never ever call that fun-loving dog a mutt. Scooby then slides down and freezes the rest of the Tar Monster's body, making it look like a frozen statue. He then smashes through the monster and nearly landed on the Skeleton Men.

Scooby then slides under the Zombie and makes its pants fall down. Miner 49er attempts to stop him by using his pickaxe. Scooby avoids it, and gets thrown into the air.

"Scoob!" Shaggy exclaims, throwing the control panel like a frisbee to Scooby.

"Come on, Scoob!" I exclaim.

"Go, Scooby!" (F/A/N) exclaims.

"You can do it, buddy!" Shaggy encourages.

All of a sudden, we hear a familiar screech. The Pterodactyl Ghost appears, flying towards the panel. Thankfully, before the Pterodactyl could get its talons on it, Scooby grabs the panel and lands safely near the base.

3rd Scooby-Doo sequel/Scooby-Doo Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now