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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Ito Jimi was always a calm, emotionless character. She never had many friends and when she did, they always left anyways. So she spent all of her time studying and training her quirk.

Jimi's never really found boys interesting at all. They were just horny balls of skin and hair and had no real part in human society. Doctors can make sperm from bone meal so they're really not needed.

That being said, she was into girls. Of course, she never told anyone because who could she tell? She's an orphan. She was left on the doorstep of an orphanage when she was two and lived there until she saved up enough money for a place of her own when she was eleven. She's been on her own ever since.

Jimi knew who her parents were. Her mother was deceased but her dad was alive and well, working as a pro hero. That's something to be shared at a later date.

High school had started and she was about a month in. She attained her local school, which was an absolute shit hole.

She worked two jobs on the weekends and sometimes after school. One, she had a baking position at the nearby cafe. She was surprisingly good at it considering she was told what to do most her life. Second, she worked as a bartender late nights when she didn't have school. Her boss was hesitant to hire a minor but when they saw that she could make drinks after having no experience, he hired her right away.

Currently, she is working out in her apartment. It wasn't the smallest but it wasn't the biggest either. One bedroom, one bathroom, kitchen, living room. All she needs in a place for herself.

She was in the middle of working out when there was a knock at her front door.

She sighed and grabbed her towel before making her way to the door. She was surprised to see who was standing there. It was a man who looked extremely tired. He wore all black clothing, aside from the long grey scarf he had wrapped around his neck. In that scarf lay a mouse man. She recognized both of them. Pro hero: Eraserhead and the principal of UA high.

"Oh?" She smirked, throwing her towel around her neck and leaning against the door frame. "What do I have the honor of having a hero and a principal at my humble home?"

The rat man's smile widened. "Hello miss Ito! I apologize for coming here but you see, I've tried to call you many times. You never seem to pick up!"

"Yeah sorry, I'm not on my phone much." Jimi's smirk faded quickly.

"Ah. I see." The mouse man smiled.

"Well, come on in I guess." Jimi motioned the two men inside. Two men? Or one man and a mouse. She didn't know.

"You live here by yourself?" The tired man finally spoke up.

"Yep. Ever since I was eleven." She droned.

"So, did you need something or did you just want to crash my work out?" Her smirk made another appearance.

"We wanted to offer you a full scholarship to UA high school!" The mouse announced.

Jimi almost tripped on her own two feet. Her eyes widened with surprise but she quickly went back to normal.

"You what? Why me?" She questioned.

"This neighborhood isn't the best place to be so we always have hero's patrolling around these areas. They've seen you late at night, training in your quirk. You're very powerful and have a lot of potential to be a hero. If you wish of course." The mouse smiled. "We looked into it but could you go more into depth about your quirk?"

"Uh. Metal manipulation. I can manipulate any kind of metal around me. I've been working on not using my hands. It gives me serious dry-eye though." She explained.

"I see! Very helpful. We very much so encourage you to consider joining our ranks. You would be an amazing person to have on our team at UA." The mouse man encouraged.

"I'll uh, I'll get back to you?" She said, though it came out as more of a question.

The black haired man bowed and left the house, not before sending Jimi a stern look that said, 'You won't regret it.'

The door closed and she let out a breath she didn't even know she had kept in.

"UA huh?" She asked herself. "Damn. Maybe I do have a purpose in life.

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