Chapter 1

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Tamzin Pov
I have always seen the world I'm living in as a dark and colourless place.A disappointing downgrade from all the novels I have read or movies I have watched .We are all so fix sated on trying to live in a fantasy , we waste our lives wallowing in self pity. I never understood until now why my grandma used to go on about living in the moment .Every one of us spends days searching for our story , it's  happening right in front of us . My adventure made me realise this . This adventure that I started August 9th .

August 8th
Each morning I like to watch the sunrise from my window , it's peaceful .Although that all gets interrupted by my younger sister throwing a teenage tantrum about where her favourite trainers are .Being a teenager myself I would have thought by now I would understand why we are supposed to be so dramatic . Myself not included obviously.Perhaps it's because I didn't submit myself to silly trends or typical teenage gossip about one another.

My father is always wanting me to be more social. The question I ask him is why would I want to be social when I have fictional characters to learn about , people who may no be real but at least they can't hurt me .He always just rolls his eyes and walks away from the failing argument he tries to play.

"Tamzin!!Your bus will be  here in 45 minutes come get breakfast" my overly organised mother shouts.

Another reason my family is weird is down to my mothers need to always be prompt to things . I don't mind though I would rather have her than any strict parent .That is most days.

"Mum I'm coming !!"My voice came out much more harsh then I intended but I have no effort to correct it .

After hastily throwing on my worn mom jeans and a grey hoodie I rush down the creaking stairs . I start to grab my science books from the bookshelf, remembering my favourite wuthering heights to keep myself busy at lunch.

"Have you got your lunch hun?"My mum asks after I finish of my bowl of cereal.She takes it from me quickly as she glances at the clock . "20 minutes" left I know she is saying to herself .

"No, I will stop by Greggs on the way."She nods agreeing as I don't have time to make anything "I am going to be at the library till late . Could you please leave dinner out for me ?"I say hoping she will give me some money to buy books.

"Yes that's fine"To my luck she opens her purse and hands me ten pounds "I don't know why I let you buy more books , it's not helping your addiction"She gives me a disapproving face before pulling me into a tight hug.She chuckles into my hair "Just like me" before letting me go.

Ten minutes later and i am nearly ready to leave as my father trudges down the steps in a dressing gown .Leaving his coffee cup on the side table in the hall way he gives me a hug. " Have a good day at school pumpkin"He cheerily says dispute it being early .I nod  before putting my dirt shoes on and running out the door .Turning around to see my mother nervously looking at me through the window , I give her a nod to say I will make it on time.

I trudge down the road already regretting waking up this morning .

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