Temple run...ostrich edition😂

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Okay...this is one of the most heart racing moments of my young life I was scared shitless but now I just look back and laugh

Come to think of it it was kinda fun😂😂

It was the last day of fifth grade and my friends wanted to go on an adventure

Random fact: As a kid I wasn't allowed to go out much and I had a sister fiver years younger than me Soo... Not much fun.

I, as usual, didn't know any fun place to go to. So I was quiet, but the ruffians amongst my friends (the boys and a few girls) suggested that we go to an animal reserve near our school ...it was kind of a mini zoo and I had never heard of it before so I was excited but scared because I had never gone out without telling my mom but they convinced me.

So during break time we ditched school (it was vacation day so no one really noticed)

I felt so dirty; like a criminak but I was excited... Besides the guy I was crushing on back then went with us so I tried acting cool.

We got there and the place was kind of deserted, because the owners were not around and the workers were arranging stuff since it was a new place.

I have to admit that it was fun seeing the zebras, ostriches, wolves there was even a hippo....no lions though.

We were laughing and goofing around when the boys decided to  steal on ostrich egg... I was against it but I decided to play it cool cause ya know (my crush)

They climbed the wall and jumped into the ostriches pen.
I swear I was shivering with anxiety, when suddenly we all heard a shout....

Then the boys came flying over the wall with the egg!
Screaming for us to run.

Next thing I know the ostrich was attempting to jump the wall and was succeeding .
Everything was pretty much blurry after that
But long story short I run like hellhounds were chasing the hell outta me.

And everyone who knows me knows that I can't run 😂😂

I run so fast it felt like my feet were touching the ground and it wasn't easy too because we had to run up a hill to get back to school
Only God knows how many hail Marys I prayed that day.

I'm sure I could have won an Olympic race with that speed
Usain bolt had nothing on me.

Well we got to the school safely I was scared shitless to the extent I was shaking and my crush saw me crying ...
I felt so stupid !! Upon all that courage I ended up crying.
So he gave me a feather which he plucked from the ostrich .... We still laugh about it, although he's not my crush anymore ...more like an annoying best friend.

Moral of this story: Don't mess with an ostrich unless you want to set a world record😂😂

I still wonder what happened to the egg.

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