Chapter 1 A New Beginning

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Bold means-author is talking

italic means-thoughts

"Quotation" marks mean-character is talking out loud to other characters

Simba and I's relationship blossomed since he took out Scar and became rightful ruler of the pridelands after which he asked me to be his queen. I am still forever grateful to Nala who had no hard feelings about him choosing me. After about half a year later the grass and the trees all grew back and the pridelands were once again filled with life as the herds came back. Me and Simba decided it was time to start having a family together and next thing I know I'm pregnant. I gave birth to 2 beautiful cubs a girl who is the oldest I named Imani which means Faith and a boy which I named Azizi which means precious. Once I had a rest after giving birth Rafiki came to do the ceremony where he presents our cubs to the animals of the pridelands. "Thanks for coming over Rafiki" I said to him he smiled at me then looked at the cubs that were laying in between my paws. "Your cubs look healthy they will be strong lions when they grow up" said Rafiki me and Simba smiled at that and let Rafiki take Imani from me to present first. Me and Simba slowly follow Rafiki up to the edge of priderock all the animals of the pridelands cheer at the sight of their future ruler. Then a wind carrying some leaves circles Rafiki then Imani then finally Simba and then me I close my eyes and sigh softly. Feeling Mufasa's spirit happily surrounding us on this day as he is content about the new heir. After presenting Imani and giving her back to me Rafiki grabs Azizi from Simba and presents him as well too which the animals also cheer for. After finishing with the ceremony and receiving Azizi back from Rafiki me and Simba nuzzle our cubs and each other happily. While we are nuzzling Timon and Pumba smile happy that there are new cubs that they could get to eat bugs. I hear Timon say to Pumba "oh just look at the little guys and you got to know who's going to raise them". Pumba gains a puzzled look and replies with "uh their parents" Timon shakes his head no then paces slowly in front of Pumba in a demonstration. "ok yes technically but who's going to teach them the real important stuff like how to belch" Timon then belches "and dig for grubs ahh it's going to be just like old days you me and the little guys". Rafiki chuckles at what Timon said then says to him "one of them is a girl" Timon nods but then realizes what Rafiki said. "A girl oi" Timon and Pumba say with shock Timon then gets a thinking face on "well at least one of them is a boy".

As time goes by Imani and Azizi grow into strong young cubs about the size me and Simba were at that age. Imani took mostly after Simba with his orangey coat and red nose the only things she inherited from me was my crystal light blue eyes, white tail tip and 2 white front paws. While Azizi looked the most like me with my blond coat, beige nose and orange on his legs from the start of his paws to near his elbows. The things Azizi inherited from Simba was his soft red eyes, tan paws, brown tail tip and curious nature. Amani's personality is close to mine with her sense of knowing what the best things to do in different situations. She always makes sure Azizi doesn't get into trouble or life threatening situations since his personality is the same as Simba's he is always looking for trouble and not thinking things through at all. I'm sure as Azizi gets older he will develop a more mature personality like Simba did, and Imani will become a queen that will make us all very proud.

Time Skip-

Aqua's POV

I frantically look for my cubs Simba and I had just received word from Zazu that the cubs had snuck off away from him. Me and Simba have looked every we could think of in the pridelands and have come up empty pawed. I then get an idea about where the cubs could be and call Simba over to me to tell him.

"What is it? did you find them?" Simba asked me as he approached I shook my head solemnly my ears pinned back in sadness. "No I haven't found them but I think I know where they might be......they could have wondered off into the outlands". Simba gains a look of horror on his face "we have to go there now before the outsiders kill them". Simba and I run for a few minutes until we reach the outlands and spot our cubs talking to two other cubs that are outsiders. I could tell both of the outsider cubs are male due to their muscular and slightly bigger builds. Simba charged over to them and roared at the Outsider cubs. I ran over after him and stood next to him as I said "Simba don't scare them like that they may be outsiders but they are cubs as well". I turned away from Simba and looked down at the cubs then the next second I know Zira and another lioness that I don't recognize leap out and roar at me and Simba. "Simba, Aqua" Zira say's as she growls menacingly at us as does the other lioness which I still don't know the name of. Zira goes to leap at Simba to try and kill him but the rest of the pride landers come up behind us and growl at Zira and the unknown lioness. "Kovu was the last born before you exiled us to the outlands this other cub belongs to the rogue Ayanna next to me who joined us not long ago" Zira say's. "you know the penalty for returning to the pridelands Zira". "But the cubs and Ayanna do not, however if you need your pound of flesh then here" she says. And pushes the two cubs forward toward Simba which makes Ayanna's eyes widen in shock and the two outsider cubs to shake in fear. "Take them and get out, were finished here" Simba say's then he leans forward and picks up Imani with his mouth and I do the same with Azizi. Zira steps forward and says while looking at Imani that is in Simba's mouth "oh no Simba we have barely begun hehehehe". Zira then walks off while carrying her cub in her mouth while the other outsider does the same with hers. Me and Simba walk for a little bit then stop and put the cubs down and tell the pride to go on without us. I look down at Azizi knowing he must be the one who caused the trouble we all went through today. "Azizi you and Imani could have been killed today you need to stop wondering off without thinking about your actions first". Azizi sighs dejectedly "I know mum" Simba then speaks "Azizi if something happened to you or Imani we wouldn't know what to do remember you are part of the great circle of life". Azizi then buts in "great circle of life I know it's just I want more adventure in life and dad you're always suffocating me with all your rules". Simba sighs softly "it's for you and your sister's own good we are doing this because we love you we don't want to lose you". ". Simba and I nuzzle our cubs lovingly glad that they are safe then we start walking while they follow and I start to sing while Simba listens at the start then joins in.

~ means you are singing

-means Simba is singing

~-means you are both singing

# means Azizi is singing

*means Imani is singing

Me~ as you go through life you'll see

~there is so much that we

~don't understand

Simba- and the only thing we know

-is things don't always go

-the way we planned

~but you'll see everyday

-that we'll never turn away

~when it seems all your dreams come undone

-we will stand by your side

~filled with hope and filled with pride

-we are more than we are

~- we are one

*If there's so much we must be

*can we still just be us

*the way we are?

#can we trust in our own heart

#or are we just one part

#of some big plan

~even those who are gone

~are with us as we go on

~your journey has only begun

-Tears of pain tears of joy

-one thing nothing can destroy

-in our pride deep inside

~-we are one

~we are one

~you and I

~we are like the earth and sky

~one family under the sun

-all the wisdom to lead

-all the courage that you need

-you will find when you see

~-we are one

"As long as you live here, it's who you are you'll understand someday" I say with a smile after nuzzling Imani and Azizi. Simba nuzzles them after I do and we both walk inside the cave and lay down to go to sleep.

So what do you my lovely readers think of my first official chapter of my book that is a sequel to   "I'm in the Lion King". Please be sure to comment down below to let me know if you have any questions or tips for me. 

I'm in the Lion King 2 Imani's reignWhere stories live. Discover now