"That's okay. I'll go see what's in the mini bar" he announces before rolling out of bed.

I have the pleasure of watching his naked form striding across the room. I think I may have an unhealthy obsession with his ass. I could just bite it.

"Damn that ass" I call and he glances over his shoulder, his hands moving behind him to cover the goods.

"Don't, you'll make me blush" he calls back before removing his hands and shaking that ass for me. Which has me in fits of laughter again. It feels so good to laugh after weeks of crying.

"You've got rhythm too" I laugh and watch in fascinating as he circles his hips.

"Oh you bet I do!"

He blows me a kiss and I simply can't take it. I actually can't breath with laughter. Luckily he takes pity on me and begins to search the mini fridge on the table next to some tea and coffee supplies.

"We have many many tiny bottles of alcohol, chocolate, fizzy pop, potato chips and some things that I can't quite work out" he informs me, pulling out a red bottle to inspect. "Devils sauce?"

That sounds hideous. Which gives me an idea. A punishment for all his tickling torture.

"I dare you to drink it" I challenge and wait to see if he will accept.

"Is that so..." he teases before cracking open the lid and gulping it down in seconds. Holy mother of god. My mouth falls open as the substance disappears.

He puts the bottle down and shrugs as if it's no big deal but the fact that his face is turning red suggests otherwise. Oops!

"Are you okay?" I ask a little concerned. "Is it hot sauce?" I continue with wide eyes as his start to water. He nods frantically before grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and downing that too.

"I'll get you back!" He gasps holding a different bottle of water against his forehead.

"Oh I'm really sorry" I tell him but I can't hide my smirk.

"You're in trouble!"

"It was a dare, you didn't have to do it" I giggle as he crosses his arms. He's trying hard to act serious but he's slipping up.

"Oh okay. Then I dare you to drink this" he exclaims, pulling out a black bottle the same size as the red one. Uh oh.

Fuck. I can't say no to a dare either.

Getting out of bed I march towards him in my birthday suit and take the little bottle. He looks smug as I pop open the top. Immediately the smell hits me and I gag.

"What's wrong?" He taunts and I glare at him. Then hold my breath and put the horrible smelling substance to my lips. As I swallow it down I keep my eyes on his and just like me he looks a little worried.

He's wondering if he's made a mistake.

The taste in my mouth is horrible and it makes my stomach churn.

Slamming the bottle down I cough on the after taste. Inspecting the bottle more, I see that it was liquid liquorish. Uh! Nope!

"Are you okay Darling?" He asks, his hands on my arms as he frowns in concern. He's so sweet.

Yet I still want to mess with him more.

"No, I think I'm gonna be sick" I reply and gag again, only this time it's fake.

"Shit! I'm sorry!" He exclaims and takes my hand, pulling me in the direction of the bathroom.

Seeing him panic has me stopping my prank. I don't actually want him to worry.

Sugar. Why not?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz