Chapter 9

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I woke up with a lot of pain in between my legs. I hissed as I got up, the bed was empty. Kylo had left me. Part of me knew that he was going to do this but the other part of me was naive. I had felt a strange feeling in my heart, a sting of sadness. I had hoped he would stay with me, that after giving myself to him he would care. I felt stupid, I really expected this arrogant man to like me.

Before I could cover myself, the door opened and slammed shut. Kylo hurried in, in full uniform. He had his mask tucked in at his side, he looked my naked frame over and smirked. "What do you want?" I said as I covered my chest. His face fell, I could tell he was thinking.

"We are attacking the Resistance. We found their base, we will need your troops. I'll need you to stay in your room today."

"No. Not without me. I told you, I lead MY troops. They won't listen to anyone else." I got up and brushed passed him, he slapped my ass with his gloved hand. As I turned around he caught me against his chest. "Get off me!" I yelled.

"What's wrong with you? I thought you'd be in a good mood."

"When did you leave?" I stepped away.

"Right after you fell asleep." He rolled his eyes.

"I thought last night meant something...I thought you'd stay with me."

"Stupid girl, I don't stay the night. I don't care if we are married or not." He laughed.

"Your a monster."

"Yes I am." He stepped forward and gripped my throat. He let go when I clawed at his hand, finally leaving. I refused to shed a tear. I refused to be sad over that heartless monster. He was right,
I was stupid, but I am strong. I will go out and fight with my Troopers. I will show him I don't need him.

I lifted the hood to my robe over my head, my saber was on my side. All that was heard in the halls was the clicking of my heeled boots, in the distance there was talking. I walked closer to the talking to see everyone getting ready to take off. "Princess! Are you ready to go?" Chris asked me.

"Chris you don't have to call me princess anymore, Empress or Y/N is fine." I smiled.

"Yes Empress. We are ready when you are." He walked back to a carrier. Kylo walked up the ramp to his ship, he looked back at me before shoving his mask on and boarding his ship. I went on the same carrier as Chris and stood in the front. I held onto the wall as my legs felt wobbly, I grabbed onto Chris for support as the carrier took off.

"Sorry." I whispered.

Right as we landed, blasters were shot at us. I had hid behind a tree and ignited my saber, as I stepped out three men charged me. I spun my saber, slicing through all of them. I made my way closer to the base, killing anyone that was in my way. I found my way behind the base, this part of the woods somehow being quiet.

I quietly walked through the wooded areas, closing in on the base. My head snapped around as I heard a twig snap. When I turned back around I was hit in the face with a blaster. I fell to the ground, my vision being blurry. I could barely see a man hovering over me. I felt him grab my legs and start to drag me, a part of my hair and robe got caught in a tree. The man yanked me, causing both of them to rip. I feel and see blood pouring off of my face. My head felt fuzzy as I tried to get up.

I lazily lifted my hand up to force choke the stranger but was kicked in the face. When I didn't pass out, the man kicked me again in the face.

Everything went black.

I felt something wet dripping on my hand, I groaned as I tried to open my eyes. A bright light made me squint, then the pain kicked in. A huge amount of pain filled my head and face. "Look who's up." I heard a mans voice say. I finally opened my eyes and lifted my head to see two men staring at me.

"What'd you do to her man?" One of the men grabs a towel and starts to lightly wipe my face.

"Don't.......fucking....touch me." I groan. My voice is hoarse and dry. I gag on so blood and spit it out by their feet. When I gained enough strength I tried to lift my hand up but it was caught by some metal chaining me to the chair. I tried to use the force but nothing happened.

"Those block you from using the force. So don't even try it." The man I assume kicked me said. "Hey why don't you go make sure everyone is okay."

The other man looked at me with concern, he then nodded and left me alone with the other man. He turned around to a small table and picked something up. My eyes widened as I realized it was a small knife. "Now your going to tell me about your plan."

"I don't know about any plan." I dryly said. The man sliced at my arm, making me scream out. Then everything started to fade again, I looked down before I blacked out.

His knife had sliced into my stomach.

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